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    @params = $self->_equalize_params(\@params)->@*;

    push(@params, $self->v, $self->r, $self->s)
        if $self->v && $self->r && $self->s;

    # eip-1559 transactions must be prefixed by 2 that is the
    # transaction type
    return TRANSACTION_PREFIX . $self->rlp->encode(\@params);

method generate_v ($y_parity) {

    # eip-1559 uses y directly as the v point
    # instead of using recovery id as the legacy
    # transactions
    my $v = sprintf("0x%x", $y_parity);
    return $v;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Blockchain::Ethereum::Transaction::EIP1559 - Ethereum Fee Market transaction abstraction

=head1 VERSION

version 0.009


Transaction abstraction for EIP1559 Fee Market transactions

    my $transaction = Blockchain::Ethereum::Transaction::EIP1559->new(
        nonce                    => '0x0',
        max_fee_per_gas          => '0x9',
        max_priority_fee_per_gas => '0x0',
        gas_limit                => '0x1DE2B9',
        to                       => '0x3535353535353535353535353535353535353535'
        value                    => '0xDE0B6B3A7640000',
        data                     => '0x',
        chain_id                 => '0x539'

    my $key = Blockchain::Ethereum::Keystore::Key->new(
        private_key => pack "H*",


    my $raw_transaction = $transaction->serialize;

=head1 METHODS

=head2 serialize

Encodes the given transaction parameters to RLP

=over 4


Returns the RLP encoded transaction bytes

=head2 generate_v

Generate the transaction v field using the given y-parity

=over 4

=item * C<$y_parity> y-parity


Returns the v hexadecimal value also sets the v fields from transaction

=head1 AUTHOR

Reginaldo Costa <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2023 by REFECO.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The MIT (X11) License


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