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  my $backend=$args->{"Backend"};
  my $ui=$args->{"UI"};
  my $bits=$args->{"RSA_Bits"};
  my $self;


  if (not defined $backend) { die "You need to specify an Aut Backend"; }
  if (not defined $ui) { die "You need to specify an Aut user interface"; }

  $self->{"base64"}=new Aut::Base64();

  bless $self,$class;


return $self;

# Initializing 

# Internal function.
# Used to initialize the subsystem.

sub initialize {
  my $self=shift;
  my $bits=shift;

  if (not defined $self->{"backend"}->get_keys()) {
    my $pass=$self->{"ui"}->ask_pass($self,_T("Initializing cryptography system.\n".
					"Please provide a password for the global\n".
					"RSA key-pair. You need to keep this password\n".
					"secret and will have to remember it!"));
    if (not defined $pass) { die "Cannot continue without password"; }

    my $passagain=$self->{"ui"}->ask_pass($self,_T("Enter the RSA password again for verification."));
    if ($pass ne $passagain) { die "Cannot continue with two different passwords"; }

    $self->{"ui"}->message(_T("Generating keys, this will take some time...")."($bits bits)");
    my $rsa = new Crypt::RSA;
    my ($public,$private) =$rsa->keygen(
					Identity => 'Aut module',
					Size => $bits,
					Password => "",
					Verbosity => 0
					) or die $rsa->errstr();

    my $private_str=private_key_to_string($private);

    my $cipher=new Aut::Crypt($pass);

    my $public_str=public_key_to_string($public);




# Querying

sub has_accounts {
  my $self=shift;

sub is_admin {
  my $self=shift;
  my $ticket=shift;
  return ($ticket->valid()) && ($ticket->rights() eq $self->{"adminlevel"});

sub status {
  my $self=shift;
  return $self->{"status"};

sub last_error {
  my $self=shift;
  return $self->{"errmsg"};

sub list_accounts {
  my $self=shift;
return $self->{"backend"}->get_all_accounts();

sub exists {
  my $self=shift;
  my $account=shift;
  return $self->{"backend"}->exists($account);

# Bag functionality --> Backend as Configuration file

sub set {
  my ($self,$ticket,$var,$val) = @_;

sub get {
  my ($self,$ticket,$var) = @_;
  my $val=$self->{"backend"}->get($ticket->account(),$var);
  return $val;

sub del {
  my ($self,$ticket,$var) = @_;

# status and error 

### Internal Functions

sub set_status {
  my ($self,$status)=@_;

sub set_error {
  my ($self,$msg)=@_;

# rsa crypting/decrypting

### Internal Functions
### Using an undocumented feature here!

sub public_key_to_string {
  my $key=shift;
  return $key->serialize();

sub string_to_public_key {
  my $string=shift;
  my $key=new Crypt::RSA::Key::Public;
  my @pub;
  push @pub,$string;
  return $key->deserialize(String => \@pub);

sub private_key_to_string {
  my $key=shift;
  return $key->serialize();

sub string_to_private_key {
  my $string=shift;
  my $key=new Crypt::RSA::Key::Private;
  my @pub;
  push @pub,$string;
  return $key->deserialize(String => \@pub);
### Using an undocumented feature here!

sub rsa_crypt {
  my $self=shift;
  my $text=shift;
  my $rsa=new Crypt::RSA;

  my ($public_str,$private_str)=$self->{"backend"}->get_keys();
  my $public;

  my $public=string_to_public_key($public_str);

		      Message => $text,
		      Key => $public
  if (not defined $text) { warn "cannot encrypt"; }

return $text;

sub rsa_decrypt {
  my $self=shift;
  my $text=shift;
  my $pass=shift;

  my $rsa=new Crypt::RSA;

  my ($public_str,$private_str)=$self->{"backend"}->get_keys();

  if (not defined $pass) {
    $pass=$self->{"ui"}->ask_pass($self,_T("Give the password for the account global RSA private key"));

  if (not defined $pass) {
    return undef;

  my $cipher=new Aut::Crypt($pass);
  if (substr($private_str,0,8) ne "private,") {
    return undef;
  else {

    my $private=string_to_private_key($private_str);

			Cyphertext => $text,
			Key        => $private,
    if (not defined $text) {
      warn "Unexpected! Cannot decrypt text with good private key!";
    return $text;

sub check_rsa_private_pass {
  my $self=shift;
  my $pass=shift;

  my ($public_str,$private_str)=$self->{"backend"}->get_keys();

  my $cipher=new Aut::Crypt($pass);
  if (substr($private_str,0,8) ne "private,") {
    return 0;
  else {
    return 1;

### Internal Functions

# Account handling

sub ticket_create {
  my $self=shift;

sub ticket_update {
  my $self=shift;
  my $ticket=shift;

  my $account=$ticket->account();
  my $pass=$ticket->pass();
  my $rights=$ticket->rights();
  my $seed=$ticket->seed();

  #my $md5pass=md5_base64($pass);
  my $rsapass=$self->rsa_crypt($pass);

  my $cipher=new Aut::Crypt($pass);
  my $crypt_seed=$cipher->encrypt($seed);
  my $b64_seed=$self->{"base64"}->encode($crypt_seed);


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