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            return $result == 4294967295 ? 1 : 0;
        my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
            -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
            -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
            -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
            -population      => 1000,             # population
            -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
            -mutation        => 0.01,             # probab. of mutation
            -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
            -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
            -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
            -cache           => 0,                # cache results
            -history         => 1,                # remember best results
            -preserve        => 3,                # remember the bests
            -variable_length => 1,                # turn variable length ON
            -mce             => 1,                # optional MCE support
            -workers         => 3,                # number of workers (MCE)

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Crossover/  view on Meta::CPAN

sub save_fitness {
	my ($self, $ga, $idx) = @_;
	$ga->_fitness->{$idx} = $ga->fitness->($ga, $ga->chromosomes->[$idx]);
	return $ga->chromosomes->[$idx];
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($chromosomes, $parents, $crossover) = ($ga->chromosomes, $ga->_parents, $ga->crossover);
	my ($fitness, $_fitness) = ($ga->fitness, $ga->_fitness);
	my @children;
	while(my $elders = shift @$parents){
		my @elders = unpack 'I*', $elders;
		unless(scalar @elders){
			push @children, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]];
		my @points = sort { $a <=> $b } map { 1 + int(rand $#{$chromosomes->[0]}) } 0..1;
		@elders = sort {

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Crossover/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my %seen;
    my @dup = grep { if($seen{$_}){ 1 }else{ $seen{$_} = 1; 0} } @$ar;
    return \@dup if @dup;
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($chromosomes, $parents, $crossover) = ($ga->chromosomes, $ga->_parents, $ga->crossover);
	my ($fitness, $_fitness) = ($ga->fitness, $ga->_fitness);
	my @children;
	while(my $elders = shift @$parents){
		my @elders = unpack 'I*', $elders;
		unless(scalar @elders){
			push @children, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]];
		my @points = sort { $a <=> $b } map { 1 + int(rand $#{$chromosomes->[0]}) } 0..1;
		@elders = sort {

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Crossover/  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;
use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
sub new { bless { points => $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1 }, $_[0]; }
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($chromosomes, $parents, $crossover) = ($ga->chromosomes, $ga->_parents, $ga->crossover);
	my ($fitness, $_fitness) = ($ga->fitness, $ga->_fitness);
	my @children;
	while(my $elders = shift @$parents){
		my @elders = unpack 'I*', $elders;
		unless(scalar @elders){
			$_fitness->{scalar(@children)} = $fitness->($ga, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]]);
			push @children, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]];

		my ($min, $max) = (0, $#{$chromosomes->[0]});

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Crossover/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
#use AI::Genetic::Pro::Array::PackTemplate;
sub new { bless { points => $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1 }, $_[0]; }
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($chromosomes, $parents, $crossover) = ($ga->chromosomes, $ga->_parents, $ga->crossover);
	my ($fitness, $_fitness) = ($ga->fitness, $ga->_fitness);
	while(my $elders = shift @$parents){
		my @elders = unpack 'I*', $elders;

		unless(scalar @elders){
			push @$chromosomes, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]];
		my ($min, $max) = (0, $#{$chromosomes->[0]} - 1);
			for my $el(@elders){

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Crossover/  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;
use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
sub new { bless { points => $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1 }, $_[0]; }
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($chromosomes, $parents, $crossover) = ($ga->chromosomes, $ga->_parents, $ga->crossover);
	my ($fitness, $_fitness) = ($ga->fitness, $ga->_fitness);
	my @children;
	while(my $elders = shift @$parents){
		my @elders = unpack 'I*', $elders;
		unless(scalar @elders){
			$_fitness->{scalar(@children)} = $fitness->($ga, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]]);
			push @children, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]];
		my ($min, $max) = (0, $#{$chromosomes->[0]} - 1);

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Crossover/  view on Meta::CPAN

use warnings;
use strict;
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
sub new { bless { points => $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1 }, $_[0]; }
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($chromosomes, $parents, $crossover) = ($ga->chromosomes, $ga->_parents, $ga->crossover);
	my ($fitness, $_fitness) = ($ga->fitness, $ga->_fitness);
	my @children;
	while(my $elders = shift @$parents){
		my @elders = unpack 'I*', $elders;

		unless(scalar @elders){
			push @children, $chromosomes->[$elders[0]];
		my ($min, $max) = (0, $#{$chromosomes->[0]} - 1);
			for my $el(@elders){

lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Selection/  view on Meta::CPAN

	bless { 
			type 	=> $type,
			params	=> \@params,
		}, $class; 
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($fitness, $chromosomes) = ($ga->_fitness, $ga->chromosomes);
	croak "You must set a number of parents to use the Distribution strategy"
		unless defined($ga->parents);
	my $parents = $ga->parents;
	my @parents;
	my $high = scalar @$chromosomes;
	if($self->{type} eq q/uniform/){
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', random_uniform_integer($parents, 0, $#$chromosomes) 
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/normal/){
		my $av = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes/2;
		my $sd = defined $self->{params}->[1] ? $self->{params}->[1] : $#$chromosomes;
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', map { int $_ % $high } random_normal($parents, $av, $sd)  
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/beta/){
		my $aa = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $parents;
		my $bb = defined $self->{params}->[1] ? $self->{params}->[1] : $parents;
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', map { int($_ * $high) } random_beta($parents, $aa, $bb)
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/binomial/){
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', random_binomial($parents, $#$chromosomes, rand) 
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/chi_square/){
		my $df = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes;
		push @parents,
			pack 'I*', map { int $_ % $high } random_chi_square($parents, $df)
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/exponential/){
		my $av = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes/2;
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', map { int $_ % $high } random_exponential($parents, $av)  
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/poisson/){
		my $mu = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes/2;
		push @parents,
			pack 'I*', map { int $_ % $high } random_poisson($parents, $mu)
				for 0..$#$chromosomes;
		die qq/Unknown distribution "$self->{type}" in "selection"!\n/;
	return \@parents;


lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Selection/  view on Meta::CPAN

use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
use Carp 'croak';

sub new { bless \$_[0], $_[0]; }
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($fitness) = ($ga->_fitness);
	my (@parents, @elders);
	my $count = $#{$ga->chromosomes};
	my $const = min values %$fitness;
	$const = $const < 0 ? abs($const) : 0;
	my $total = sum( map { $_ < 0 ? $_ + $const : $_ } values %$fitness);
	$total ||= 1;
	# elders
	for my $idx (0..$count){
		push @elders, $idx for$fitness->{$idx} + $const) / $total) * $count);
	if((my $add = $count - scalar @elders) > 0){
		my $idx = $elders[rand @elders];
		push @elders, int rand($count) for 0..$add;
	croak "You must set a crossover probability to use the Roulette strategy"
		unless defined($ga->crossover);
	croak "You must set a number of parents to use the Roulette strategy"
		unless defined($ga->parents);

	# parents
		if(rand > $ga->crossover){
			push @parents, pack 'I*', $elders[ rand @elders ]
			my @group;
			push @group, $elders[ rand @elders ] for 1..$ga->parents;
			push @parents, pack 'I*', @group;

	return \@parents;


lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Selection/  view on Meta::CPAN

#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
use Carp 'croak';
sub new { bless \$_[0], $_[0]; }
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($fitness, $chromosomes) = ($ga->_fitness, $ga->chromosomes);
	croak "You must set a number of parents to use the RouletteBasic strategy"
		unless defined($ga->parents);
	my $parents = $ga->parents;
	my (@parents, @wheel);
	my $const = min values %$fitness;
	$const = $const < 0 ? abs($const) : 0;
	my $total = 0;
	foreach my $key (keys %$fitness){
		$total += $fitness->{$key} + $const;
		push @wheel, [ $key, $total ];
		my @group;
			my $rand = rand($total);
			my $idx = first_index { $_->[1] > $rand } @wheel;
			if($idx == 0){ $idx = 1 }
			elsif($idx == -1 ) { $idx = scalar @wheel; }
			push @group, $wheel[$idx-1]->[0];
		push @parents, pack 'I*', @group;
	return \@parents;


lib/AI/Genetic/Pro/Selection/  view on Meta::CPAN

	my $idx = first_index { $_->[1] > $rand } @$wheel;
	if($idx == 0){ $idx = 1 }
	elsif($idx == -1 ) { $idx = scalar @$wheel; }
	return $wheel->[$idx-1]->[0];
sub run {
	my ($self, $ga) = @_;
	my ($fitness, $chromosomes) = ($ga->_fitness, $ga->chromosomes);
	croak "You must set a number of parents for the RouletteDistribution strategy"
		unless defined($ga->parents);
	my $parents = $ga->parents;
	my $high = scalar @$chromosomes;
	my (@parents, @wheel);
	my $const = min values %$fitness;
	$const = $const < 0 ? abs($const) : 0;
	my $total = 0;
	foreach my $key (keys %$fitness){
		$total += $fitness->{$key} + $const;
		push @wheel, [ $key, $total ];
	if($self->{type} eq q/uniform/){
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
				 	random_uniform($parents, 0, $total) 
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/normal/){
		my $av = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes/2;
		my $sd = defined $self->{params}->[1] ? $self->{params}->[1] : $#$chromosomes;
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
					map { int $_ % $high } random_normal($parents, $av, $sd)  
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/beta/){
		my $aa = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $parents;
		my $bb = defined $self->{params}->[1] ? $self->{params}->[1] : $parents;
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
					map { int($_ * $high) } random_beta($parents, $aa, $bb)
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/binomial/){
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
					random_binomial($parents, $#$chromosomes, rand) 
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/chi_square/){
		my $df = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes;
		push @parents,
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
					map { int $_ % $high } random_chi_square($parents, $df)
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/exponential/){
		my $av = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes/2;
		push @parents, 
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
					map { int $_ % $high } random_exponential($parents, $av)  
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
	}elsif($self->{type} eq q/poisson/){
		my $mu = defined $self->{params}->[0] ? $self->{params}->[0] : $#$chromosomes/2;
		push @parents,
			pack 'I*', 
				map { roulette($total, \@wheel) }
					map { int $_ % $high } random_poisson($parents, $mu)
						for 0..$#$chromosomes;
		die qq/Unknown distribution "$self->{type}" in "selection"!\n/;
	return \@parents;


t/01_inject.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 0,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/02_cache.t  view on Meta::CPAN

	return sum(scalar $ga->as_array($chromosome));

my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => sub { return; },  # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 10,               # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 0,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/04_bitvectors_variable_length_I.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 1,                # turn variable length OFF

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/05_bitvectors_variable_length_II.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 2,                # turn variable length OFF

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/06_listvectors_constant_length.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'listvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

my @data;

t/07_listvectors_variable_length_I.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'listvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 1,                # turn variable length OFF

my @data;

t/08_listvectors_variable_length_II.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'listvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.01,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 2,                # turn variable length OFF

my @data;

t/09_rangevectors_constant_length.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'rangevector',    # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

my @data;

t/10_rangevectors_variable_length_I.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'rangevector',    # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 1,                # turn variable length OFF

my @data;

t/11_rangevectors_variable_length_II.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'rangevector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 2,                # turn variable length OFF

my @data;

t/12_combinations_constant_length.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'combination',    # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'PMX' ],        # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

$ga->init( [ 'a'..'h' ] );

t/13_preserve.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 4,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/14_getFittest.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 4,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn variable length OFF

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/15_bitvectors_constant_length_MCE.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn OFF variable length
		-mce			 => 1,                # turn ON Many-Core Engine

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/16_bitvectors_constant_length_-_native_arrays.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn OFF variable length
		-native			 => 1,				  # turn ON use of native arrays

# init population of 32-bit vectors

t/17_bitvectors_constant_length_MCE_-_native_arrays.t  view on Meta::CPAN


my $ga = AI::Genetic::Pro->new(        
        -fitness         => \&fitness,        # fitness function
        -terminate       => \&terminate,      # terminate function
        -type            => 'bitvector',      # type of chromosomes
        -population      => 100,              # population
        -crossover       => 0.9,              # probab. of crossover
        -mutation        => 0.05,             # probab. of mutation
        -parents         => 2,                # number  of parents
        -selection       => [ 'Roulette' ],   # selection strategy
        -strategy        => [ 'Points', 2 ],  # crossover strategy
        -cache           => 1,                # cache results
        -history         => 0,                # remember best results
        -preserve        => 0,                # remember the bests
        -variable_length => 0,                # turn OFF variable length
		-mce			 => 1,                # turn ON Many-Core Engine
		-native			 => 1,				  # turn ON use of native arrays

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( run in 2.181 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-72ae3ad1e6da )