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t/data/perltidyrc  view on Meta::CPAN

# Default options for perltidy for proper Perl code reformatting.
# The canonical version of this file is maintained in the rra-c-util package,
# which can be found at <>.

-bbao           # put line breaks before any operator
-nbbc           # don't force blank lines before comments (bad for else blocks)
-ce             # cuddle braces around else
-l=79           # usually use 78, but don't want 79-long lines reformatted
-pt=2           # don't add extra whitespace around parentheses
-sbt=2          # ...or square brackets
-sfs            # no space before semicolon in for (not that I use this form)

t/pag/isolation.t  view on Meta::CPAN


# We need AFS support and existing tokens to run this test.
    if (!hasafs() || !has_tokens()) {
        skip 'AFS tokens not available', 2;

    # Fork off a child that creates a new PAG and then runs unlog.  This
    # should not affect the tokens in our parent process.
    my $pid = fork;
    if ($pid == 0) {
    } else {
        waitpid($pid, 0);

    # Check that the child calls succeeded.

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