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lib/CGI/  view on Meta::CPAN

        sub $proto {
            my \$exit_code = shift;

            \$orig->(\$exit_code) if \$USE_REAL_EXIT;

            die [ "EXIT\n", \$exit_code || 0 ]
    die $@ if $@;

my %anon;

sub compile {
    my($class, $script, $package) = @_;

    my $self = ref $class ? $class : $class->new;

    my($code, $path, $dir, $subname);

    if (ref $script eq 'SCALAR') {
        $code      = $$script;

        $package ||= (caller)[0];

        $subname   = '__CGI' . $anon{$package}++ . '__';
    } else {
        $code = $self->_read_source($script);

        $path = Cwd::abs_path($script);
        $dir  = File::Basename::dirname($path);

        my $genned_package;

        ($genned_package, $subname) = $self->_build_subname($path || $script);

        $package ||= $genned_package;

    my $warnings = $code =~ /^#!.*\s-w\b/ ? 1 : 0;
    $code =~ s/^__END__\r?\n.*//ms;
    $code =~ s/^__DATA__\r?\n(.*)//ms;
    my $data = defined $1 ? $1 : '';

    # TODO handle nph and command line switches?
    my $eval = join '',
        "package $package;",
        'sub {',
        'local $CGI::Compile::USE_REAL_EXIT = 0;',
        "\nCGI::initialize_globals() if defined &CGI::initialize_globals;",
        'local ($0, $CGI::Compile::_dir, *DATA);',
        '{ my ($data, $path, $dir) = @_[1..3];',
        ($path ? '$0 = $path;' : ''),
        ($dir  ? '$CGI::Compile::_dir = File::pushd::pushd $dir;' : ''),
        q{open DATA, '<', \$data;},
        # NOTE: this is a workaround to fix a problem in Perl 5.10
        q(local @SIG{keys %SIG} = do { no warnings 'uninitialized'; @{[]} = values %SIG };),
        "local \$^W = $warnings;",
        'my $rv = eval {',
        'local @ARGV = @{ $_[4] };', # args to @ARGV
        'local @_    = @{ $_[4] };', # args to @_ as well
        ($path ? "\n#line 1 $path\n" : ''),
            no warnings qw(uninitialized numeric pack);
            my $self     = shift;
            my $exit_val = unpack('C', pack('C', sprintf('%.0f', $rv)));
            if ($@) {
                die $@ unless (
                  ref($@) eq 'ARRAY' and
                  $@->[0] eq "EXIT\n"
                my $exit_param = unpack('C', pack('C', sprintf('%.0f', $@->[1])));

                if ($exit_param != 0 && !$CGI::Compile::RETURN_EXIT_VAL && !$self->{return_exit_val}) {
                    die "exited nonzero: $exit_param";

                $exit_val = $exit_param;

            return $exit_val;

    my $sub = do {
        no warnings 'uninitialized'; # for 5.8
        # NOTE: this is a workaround to fix a problem in Perl 5.10
        local @SIG{keys %SIG} = @{[]} = values %SIG;
        local $USE_REAL_EXIT = 0;

        my $code = $self->_eval($eval);
        my $exception = $@;

        die "Could not compile $script: $exception" if $exception;

        subname "${package}::$subname", sub {
            my @args = @_;
            # this is necessary for MSWin32
            my $orig_warn = $SIG{__WARN__} || sub { warn(@_) };
            local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $orig_warn->(@_) unless $_[0] =~ /^No such signal/ };
            $code->($self, $data, $path, $dir, \@args)

    return $sub;

sub _read_source {
    my($self, $file) = @_;

    open my $fh, "<", $file or die "$file: $!";
    return do { local $/; <$fh> };

sub _build_subname {
    my($self, $path) = @_;

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