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t/02_logger/03_output.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use Test::More;
use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all';

use Path::Tiny;
use Try::Tiny;

my $this_class = 'Bot::Cobalt::Logger::Output';

my $test_log_path = Path::Tiny->tempfile(CLEANUP => 1);

use_ok( $this_class );

my $output = new_ok( $this_class );

ok( $output->time_format, 'has time_format' );
ok( $output->log_format,  'has log_format' );

eval {; $output->add };
ok $@, "add() dies with no args";
eval {; $output->add(1) };
ok $@, "add() dies with odd args";

    myfile => {
      type => 'File',
      file => $test_log_path,
    myterm => {
      type => 'Term',
  'add() file and term'

my $stdout;
  local *STDOUT;
  open STDOUT, '>', \$stdout
    or die "Could not reopen STDOUT: $!";

    $output->_write('info', [caller(0)], "Testing", "things"), 

  close STDOUT

ok( $stdout, "Logged to STDOUT" );

  do { local (@ARGV, $/) = $test_log_path; <> }, 
  "Logged to File"

## FIXME test with modified time_format / log_format ?

my $tobj;
ok( $tobj = $output->get('myterm'), 'get()' );
isa_ok( $tobj, 'Bot::Cobalt::Logger::Output::Term' );

cmp_ok( $output->del('myterm', 'myfile'), '==', 2, 'del() 2 objects' );


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( run in 1.610 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )