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	    quiet! transit|maximum|culmination!
	$self->_templates_to_options( pass => $opt ),

    my @selector;
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_SHADOWED ]	= 'illumination';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_LIT ]		= 'illumination';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_DAY ]		= 'illumination';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_RISE ]	= 'horizon';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_MAX ]		= 'transit';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_SET ]		= 'horizon';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_APPULSE ]	= 'appulse';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_START ]	= 'horizon';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_END ]		= 'horizon';
    $selector[ PASS_EVENT_BRIGHTEST ]	= 'brightest';

    # Remove from the pass data any events that are not wanted. The
    # arguments are $self, the $opt hash reference that (among other
    # things) specifies the desired events, and the passes, each pass
    # being an argument. The modified passes are returned.
    sub _pass_select_event {
	my ( undef, $opt, @passes ) = @_;	# Invocant unused
	my @rslt;
	foreach my $pass ( @passes ) {
	    @{ $pass->{events} } = grep {
		_pass_select_event_code( $opt, $_->{event} )
		} @{ $pass->{events} }
		and push @rslt, $pass;
	return @rslt

    # Determine whether an event is to be reported for the pass. The
    # arguments are the $opt hash reference and the event code or name.
    # Anything that is not a dualvar and not an integer is accepted, on
    # the presumption that it is an ad-hoc event provided by some
    # subclass. The null event is always accepted on the presumption
    # that if the user did not want it he or she would not have asked
    # for it. Anything that is left is accepted or rejected based on the
    # option hash and the @selector array (defined above).
    sub _pass_select_event_code {
	my ( $opt, $event ) = @_;
	isdual( $event )
	    or $event !~ m/ \D /smx
	    or return 1;
	$event == PASS_EVENT_NONE
	    and return 1;
	return defined $selector[ $event ] && $opt->{ $selector[ $event ] };

sub perl : Tokenize( -noexpand_tilde ) : Verb( eval! setup! ) {
    my ( $self, $opt, $file, @args ) = __arguments( @_ );
    defined $file
	or $self->wail( 'At least one argument is required' );
	and push @{ $self->{_perl} ||= [] }, [ $opt, $file, @args ];
    local @ARGV = ( $self, map { $self->expand_tilde( $_ ) } @args );
	or local $0 = $self->expand_tilde( $file );

    my $data = $opt->{eval} ?
	$file :
	$self->_file_reader( $file, { glob => 1 } );
    my $rslt;
	# "random" package to prevent whoopsies in our own name space
	package qq_eval_namespace; ## no critic (Modules::ProhibitMultiplePackages)
	$rslt = eval $data; ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
	    and $self->wail( "Failed to eval '$file': $@" );
    instance( $rslt, 'Astro::App::Satpass2' )
	or return $rslt;

sub phase : Verb( choose=s@ ) {
    my ( $self, $opt, @args ) = __arguments( @_ );

    my $time = $self->__parse_time (shift @args, time );

    my @sky = $self->__choose( $opt->{choose}, $self->{sky} )
	or $self->wail( 'No bodies selected' );
    return $self->__format_data(
	phase => [
	    map { { body => $_->universal( $time ), time => $time } }
	    grep { $_->can( 'phase' ) }
	], $opt );

sub position : Verb( choose=s@ questionable|spare! quiet! ) {
    my ( $self, $opt, $time ) = __arguments( @_ );

    if ( defined $time ) {
	$time = $self->__parse_time($time);
    } else {
	$time = time;

#	Define the observing station.

    my $sta = $self->station();
    $sta->universal( $time );

    my @list = $self->__choose( { bodies => 1, sky => 1 },
	$opt->{choose} );

    my @good;
    my $horizon = deg2rad ($self->{horizon});
    foreach my $body (@list) {
	if ( $body->represents( 'Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE' ) ) {
	    $body->set (
		backdate => $self->{backdate},
		debug => $self->{debug},
		edge_of_earths_shadow => $self->{edge_of_earths_shadow},
		geometric => $self->{geometric},

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