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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

The constructor which initializes the object based on C<@ARGV> variable or
based on array reference if I<argv> option is set.


sub new_with_options {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;

    my $argv = delete $args{argv};
    local @ARGV = $argv ? @$argv : @ARGV;

    my ($opts, $usage) = Getopt::Long::Descriptive::describe_options(
        "$0 %o data.yml [http://schema | schema.url] [endpoint#port] [operation]",
        [ 'verbose|v',          'verbose mode with messages trace', ],
        [ 'dump-xml-request|x', 'dump request as XML document', ],
        [ 'explain|e',          'explain webservice as Perl code', ],
        [ 'help|h',             'print usage message and exit', ],
        [ 'json|j',             'output result as JSON document', ],
        [ 'yaml|y',             'output result as YAML document', ],

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use File::Spec;
use Cwd;

    chdir dirname(__FILE__) or die "$!";
    chdir '..' or die "$!";

do "./Build.PL";

local @ARGV = (@ARGV, 'testcover');
do "./Build";

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