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mimi.fatpack  view on Meta::CPAN

  	    require $driver_class;	# load the driver
      };if ($@){my$err=$@;my$advice="";if ($err =~ /Can't find loadable object/){$advice="Perhaps DBD::$driver was statically linked into a new perl binary." ."\nIn which case you need to use that new perl binary." ."\nOr perhaps only the .pm file wa...

$fatpacked{"DBI/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_CHANGES';

$fatpacked{"DBI/Const/GetInfo/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_CONST_GETINFO_ANSI';
  use strict;package DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI;our (%InfoTypes,%ReturnTypes,%ReturnValues,);my$VERSION="0.03";%InfoTypes=(SQL_ALTER_TABLE=>86,SQL_CATALOG_NAME=>10003,SQL_COLLATING_SEQUENCE=>10004,SQL_CURSOR_COMMIT_BEHAVIOR=>23,SQL_CURSOR_SENSITIVITY=...

$fatpacked{"DBI/Const/GetInfo/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_CONST_GETINFO_ODBC';
  use strict;package DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC;our (%InfoTypes,%ReturnTypes,%ReturnValues,);my$VERSION="0.03";%InfoTypes=(SQL_ACCESSIBLE_PROCEDURES=>20,SQL_ACCESSIBLE_TABLES=>19,SQL_ACTIVE_CONNECTIONS=>0,SQL_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENTS=>116,SQL_ACTIVE_STATEM...

$fatpacked{"DBI/Const/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_CONST_GETINFORETURN';
  package DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn;use strict;use Exporter ();use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %GetInfoReturnTypes %GetInfoReturnValues);@ISA=qw(Exporter);@EXPORT=qw(%GetInfoReturnTypes %GetInfoReturnValues);my$VERSION="0.03";use DBI::Const::GetI...

$fatpacked{"DBI/Const/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_CONST_GETINFOTYPE';
  package DBI::Const::GetInfoType;use strict;use Exporter ();use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %GetInfoType);@ISA=qw(Exporter);@EXPORT=qw(%GetInfoType);my$VERSION="0.03";use DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI ();use DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC ();%GetInfoType...

$fatpacked{"DBI/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_DBD';
  package DBI::DBD;use strict;use vars qw($VERSION);$VERSION="0.03";use Exporter ();use Config qw(%Config);use Carp;use Cwd;use File::Spec;use strict;use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $is_dbi);BEGIN {if ($^O eq 'VMS'){require vmsish;import vmsish;require VMS:...
  *** You're using Microsoft Visual C++ compiler or similar but
      the LIB and INCLUDE environment variables are not both set.
      You need to run the VCVARS32.BAT batch file that was supplied
      with the compiler before you can use it.
      A copy of vcvars32.bat can typically be found in the following
      directories under your Visual Studio install directory:
          Visual C++ 6.0:     vc98\\bin
          Visual Studio .NET: vc7\\bin
      Find it, run it, then retry this.
      If you think this error is not correct then just set the LIB and
      INCLUDE environment variables to some value to disable the check.
  # --- This section was generated by DBI::DBD::dbd_postamble()
  # The main dependency (technically correct but probably not used)
  $(BASEEXT).c: $(BASEEXT).xsi
  # This dependency is needed since MakeMaker uses the .xs.o rule
  $(BASEEXT).xsi: $(DBI_DRIVER_XST) '.$xstf_h.'
  	$(PERL) -p -e "s/~DRIVER~/$(BASEEXT)/g" $(DBI_DRIVER_XST) > $(BASEEXT).xsi
  # ---
  '}package DBDI;1;

$fatpacked{"DBI/DBD/"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DBI_DBD_METADATA';
  package DBI::DBD::Metadata;use strict;use Exporter ();use Carp;use DBI;use DBI::Const::GetInfoType qw(%GetInfoType);our@ISA=qw(Exporter);our@EXPORT=qw(write_getinfo_pm write_typeinfo_pm);our$VERSION="0.03";sub write_getinfo_pm {my ($dsn,$user,$pass...
  # Transfer this to ${driver}.pm
  # The get_info function was automatically generated by
  # DBI::DBD::Metadata::write_getinfo_pm v$DBI::DBD::Metadata::VERSION.
  package DBD::${driver}::db;         # This line can be removed once transferred.
      sub get_info {
          my(\$dbh, \$info_type) = \@_;
          require DBD::${driver}::GetInfo;
          my \$v = \$DBD::${driver}::GetInfo::info{int(\$info_type)};
          \$v = \$v->(\$dbh) if ref \$v eq 'CODE';
          return \$v;
  # Transfer this to lib/DBD/${driver}/
  # The \%info hash was automatically generated by
  # DBI::DBD::Metadata::write_getinfo_pm v$DBI::DBD::Metadata::VERSION.
  package DBD::${driver}::GetInfo;
  use strict;
  use DBD::${driver};
  # Beware: not officially documented interfaces...
  # use DBI::Const::GetInfoType qw(\%GetInfoType);
  # use DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn qw(\%GetInfoReturnTypes \%GetInfoReturnValues);
  my \$sql_driver = '${driver}';
  my \$sql_ver_fmt = '%02d.%02d.%04d';   # ODBC version string: ##.##.#####
  my \$sql_driver_ver = sprintf \$sql_ver_fmt, split (/\\./, \$DBD::${driver}::VERSION);
  sub sql_data_source_name {
      my $dbh = shift;
      return "dbi:$sql_driver:" . $dbh->{Name};
  sub sql_user_name {
      my $dbh = shift;
      # CURRENT_USER is a non-standard attribute, probably undef
      # Username is a standard DBI attribute
      return $dbh->{CURRENT_USER} || $dbh->{Username};
  # Transfer this to ${driver}.pm
  # The type_info_all function was automatically generated by
  # DBI::DBD::Metadata::write_typeinfo_pm v$DBI::DBD::Metadata::VERSION.
  package DBD::${driver}::db;         # This line can be removed once transferred.
      sub type_info_all
          my (\$dbh) = \@_;
          require DBD::${driver}::TypeInfo;

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