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lib/App/cpm/  view on Meta::CPAN

use App::cpm::Requirement;
use App::cpm::Resolver::Cascade;
use App::cpm::Resolver::MetaCPAN;
use App::cpm::Resolver::MetaDB;
use App::cpm::Util qw(WIN32 determine_home maybe_abs);
use App::cpm::Worker;
use App::cpm::version;
use App::cpm;
use CPAN::Meta;
use Command::Runner;
use Config;
use Cwd ();
use File::Copy ();
use File::Path ();
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case bundling);
use List::Util ();
use Module::CPANfile;
use Module::cpmfile;
use Parallel::Pipes::App;
use Pod::Text ();
use local::lib ();

sub new {
    my ($class, %option) = @_;
    my $prebuilt = exists $ENV{PERL_CPM_PREBUILT} && !$ENV{PERL_CPM_PREBUILT} ? 0 : 1;
    bless {
        argv => undef,
        home => determine_home,
        cwd => Cwd::cwd(),
        workers => WIN32 ? 1 : 5,
        snapshot => "cpanfile.snapshot",
        dependency_file => undef,
        local_lib => "local",
        cpanmetadb => "",
        _default_mirror => '',
        retry => 1,
        configure_timeout => 60,
        build_timeout => 3600,
        test_timeout => 1800,
        with_requires => 1,
        with_recommends => 0,
        with_suggests => 0,
        with_configure => 0,
        with_build => 1,
        with_test => 1,
        with_runtime => 1,
        with_develop => 0,
        feature => [],
        notest => 1,
        prebuilt => $] >= 5.012 && $prebuilt,
        pureperl_only => 0,
        static_install => 1,
        default_resolvers => 1,
    }, $class;

sub parse_options {
    my $self = shift;
    local @ARGV = @_;
    my ($mirror, @resolver, @feature);
    my $with_option = sub {
        my $n = shift;
        ("with-$n", \$self->{"with_$n"}, "without-$n", sub { $self->{"with_$n"} = 0 });
    my @type  = qw(requires recommends suggests);
    my @phase = qw(configure build test runtime develop);

        "L|local-lib-contained=s" => \($self->{local_lib}),
        "color!" => \($self->{color}),
        "g|global" => \($self->{global}),
        "mirror=s" => \$mirror,
        "v|verbose" => \($self->{verbose}),
        "w|workers=i" => \($self->{workers}),
        "target-perl=s" => \my $target_perl,
        "test!" => sub { $self->{notest} = $_[1] ? 0 : 1 },
        "cpanfile=s" => sub { $self->{dependency_file} = { type => "cpanfile", path => $_[1] } },
        "cpmfile=s" => sub { $self->{dependency_file} = { type => "cpmfile", path => $_[1] } },
        "metafile=s" => sub { $self->{dependency_file} = { type => "metafile", path => $_[1] } },
        "snapshot=s" => \($self->{snapshot}),
        "sudo" => \($self->{sudo}),
        "r|resolver=s@" => \@resolver,
        "default-resolvers!" => \($self->{default_resolvers}),
        "mirror-only" => \($self->{mirror_only}),
        "dev" => \($self->{dev}),
        "man-pages" => \($self->{man_pages}),
        "home=s" => \($self->{home}),
        "retry!" => \($self->{retry}),
        "exclude-vendor!" => \($self->{exclude_vendor}),
        "configure-timeout=i" => \($self->{configure_timeout}),
        "build-timeout=i" => \($self->{build_timeout}),
        "test-timeout=i" => \($self->{test_timeout}),
        "show-progress!" => \($self->{show_progress}),
        "prebuilt!" => \($self->{prebuilt}),
        "reinstall" => \($self->{reinstall}),
        "pp|pureperl|pureperl-only" => \($self->{pureperl_only}),
        "static-install!" => \($self->{static_install}),
        "with-all" => sub { map { $self->{"with_$_"} = 1 } @type, @phase },
        (map $with_option->($_), @type),
        (map $with_option->($_), @phase),
        "feature=s@" => \@feature,
        "show-build-log-on-failure" => \($self->{show_build_log_on_failure}),
    or return 0;

    $self->{local_lib} = maybe_abs($self->{local_lib}, $self->{cwd}) unless $self->{global};
    $self->{home} = maybe_abs($self->{home}, $self->{cwd});
    $self->{resolver} = \@resolver;
    $self->{feature} = \@feature if @feature;
    $self->{mirror} = $self->normalize_mirror($mirror) if $mirror;
    $self->{color} = 1 if !defined $self->{color} && -t STDOUT;
    $self->{show_progress} = 1 if !WIN32 && !defined $self->{show_progress} && -t STDOUT;
    if ($target_perl) {
        die "--target-perl option conflicts with --global option\n" if $self->{global};
        die "--target-perl option can be used only if perl version >= 5.18.0\n" if $] < 5.018;
        # 5.8 is interpreted as 5.800, fix it
        $target_perl = "v$target_perl" if $target_perl =~ /^5\.[1-9]\d*$/;
        $target_perl = sprintf '%0.6f', App::cpm::version->parse($target_perl)->numify;
        $target_perl = '5.008' if $target_perl eq '5.008000';
        $self->{target_perl} = $target_perl;

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