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lib/App/  view on Meta::CPAN

    _rm_rf($_) for $file->children;

  $file->remove || die "unable to delete $file";

our $_run_cb = sub {};
our $original_run = \&Git::Wrapper::RUN;
our $trace = 0;

sub _run_wrapper ($self, @command)
  my @display;
  foreach my $arg (@command)
    if(ref($arg) eq 'HASH')
      foreach my $k (keys %$arg)
        my $v = $arg->{$k};
        push @display, "--$k";
        push @display, $v =~ /\s/ ? "'$v'" : $v
          if $v ne '1'; # yes there is a weird exception for this :P
      push @display, $arg;
  $_run_cb->($self, @display);
  say "+ git @display" if $trace;
  $original_run->($self, @command);

sub author ($cpanid)
  state $cache = {};

  unless(defined $cache->{$cpanid})
    my $uri = URI->new($opt_metacpan_url . "v1/author/" . $cpanid);
    my $res = $ua->get($uri);
      say "error fetching $uri";
      say $res->{reason};
      return 2;
    $cache->{$cpanid} = decode_json($res->{content})

  my $email = $cache->{$cpanid}->{email};
  $email = $email->[0] if ref($email) eq 'ARRAY';
  sprintf "%s <%s>", $cache->{$cpanid}->{name}, $email;

sub main ($, @args)
  local @ARGV = @args;
  no warnings 'redefine';
  local *Git::Wrapper::RUN = \&_run_wrapper;
  use warnings;

  my %skip;
  my $opt_backpan_index_url;
  my $opt_backpan_url = "";
  $opt_metacpan_url   = "";
  my $opt_trace = 0;
  my $opt_output;
  my $opt_resume;
  my $opt_branch = 'main';

    'backpan_index_url=s' => \$opt_backpan_index_url,
    'backpan_url=s'       => \$opt_backpan_url,
    'metacpan_url=s'      => \$opt_metacpan_url,
    'trace'               => \$opt_trace,
    'skip=s'              => sub ($version) { $skip{$_} = 1 for split /,/, $version },
    'resume'              => \$opt_resume,
    'output|o=s'          => \$opt_output,
    'help|h'              => sub { pod2usage({ -verbose => 2}) },
    'branch|b=s'          => \$opt_branch,
    'version'             => sub {
      say 'cpangitify version ', ($App::cpangitify::VERSION // 'dev');
      exit 1;
  ) || pod2usage(1);

  local $trace = $opt_trace;

  my @names = @ARGV;
  s/::/-/g for @names;
  my %names = map { $_ => 1 } @names;
  my $name = $names[0];

  pod2usage(1) unless $name;

  my $dest = $opt_output ? dir($opt_output)->absolute : dir()->absolute->subdir($name);

  if(-e $dest && ! $opt_resume)
    say "already exists: $dest";
    say "you may be able to update with the --resume option";
    say "but any local changes to your repository will be overwritten by upstream";
    return 2;

  say "creating/updating index...";
  my $history = CPAN::ReleaseHistory->new(
    maybe url => $opt_backpan_index_url

  say "searching...";
  my @rel;
  while(my $release = $history->next_release)
    next unless defined $release->distinfo->dist;
    next unless $names{$release->distinfo->dist};
    push @rel, $release;

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( run in 4.098 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-72ae3ad1e6da )