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lib/App/Prove/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN


  # All of the examples below is loading tests into the worker perl processes
  # If you want to run the tests in a separate perl process, you can specify
  # the '--detach' option to accomplish that.
  # Default workers with L<IPC::Open3> as worker processes.
  prove -PDistributed -j2 t/

  # Distributed jobs with LSF workers.
  prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=LSF -j2 t/

  # Distributed jobs with SSH workers.
  prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=SSH -j2 --hosts=host1,host2 t/

  # If you are using home network that does not have name server setup,
  # you can specify the option --use-local-public-ip
  prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=SSH --use-local-public-ip -j2 --hosts=host1,host2 t/
  # Distributed jobs with PBS workers using L<PBS::Client>. Note: This is not tested yet.
  prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=PBS -j2 t/

  # Distributed jobs with PBS workers using L<PBS::Client>. Note: This is not tested yet.
  # With PBS option
  prove -PDistributed --distributed-type=PBS --mem=200 -j2 t/


A plugin for App::Prove to distribute job.  The core implementation of the plugin is to
provide a easy interface and functionality to extend the use of any distribution method.

The initiate release of this module was using the idea from L<FCGI::Daemon> that load perl
code file using "do" perl function to the worker perl process to execute tests.

Currently, the distribution comes with a few implementation of distribution methods to
initiate external "worker" processes.
Shown below is the list.
   L<PBS::Client>  * Note: PBS implemetation is not tested yet.


Basic functions.

=head3 C<load>

Load the plugin configuration.
It will setup all of the tests to be distributed through the 
L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Worker> source handler class.


sub load {
    my ( $class, $p ) = @_;
    my @args = @{ $p->{args} };
    my $app  = $p->{app_prove};
        local @ARGV = @args;

        push @ARGV, grep { /^--/ } @{ $app->{argv} };
        $app->{argv} = [ grep { !/^--/ } @{ $app->{argv} } ];
        Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_ignore_case bundling pass_through));

        # Don't add coderefs to GetOptions
            'manager=s'          => \$app->{manager},
            'distributed-type=s' => \$app->{distributed_type},
            'start-up=s'         => \$app->{start_up},
            'tear-down=s'        => \$app->{tear_down},
            'error-log=s'        => \$app->{error_log},
            'detach'             => \$app->{detach},
            'sync-type=s'        => \$app->{sync_type},
            'source-dir=s'       => \$app->{source_dir},
            'destination-dir=s'  => \$app->{destination_dir},
        ) or croak('Unable to continue');

#LSF: We pass the option to the source handler if the source handler want the options.
        unless ( $app->{manager} ) {
            my $source_handler_class =
              . 'Worker'
              . (
                ? '::' . $app->{distributed_type}
                : ''
            eval "use $source_handler_class";
            unless ($@) {
                unless ( $source_handler_class->load_options( $app, \@ARGV ) ) {
                    croak('Unable to continue without needed worker options.');

    my $type = $app->{distributed_type};
    my $option_name = '--worker' . ( $type ? '-' . lc($type) : '' ) . '-option';
    if (   $app->{argv}->[0]
        && $app->{argv}->[0] =~ /$option_name=number_of_workers=(\d+)/ )
        if ( $app->{jobs} ) {
              "-j and $option_name=number_of_workers are mutually exclusive.\n";
        else {
            $app->{jobs} = $1;
    else {
        $app->{jobs} ||= 1;
        unshift @{ $app->{argv} },
          "$option_name=number_of_workers=" . $app->{jobs};

    for (
        qw(start_up tear_down error_log detach sync_type source_dir destination_dir)

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