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lib/App/Oozie/  view on Meta::CPAN


has slurp => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => Int,
    default => sub { 0 },

has __file => (
    is => 'rwp',

has '__object' => (
    is => 'rwp',

sub BUILD {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;
    my $s = VALID_SERIALIZERS->{ $args->{format} };

    if ( ! $s ) {
        my $default = 'dummy';
        warn sprintf '%s is an unknown serializer, falling back to %s',
        $self->format( $default );
        ($s) = grep { m{::${default} \z}xmsi } values %{ +VALID_SERIALIZERS };

    if ( ! $s ) {
        # Shouldn't happen, apart from a possible future code change
        die 'Failed to locate a serializer!';

    $self->_set___object( load_plugin( $s )->new );


sub encode {
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift || die 'Nothing to encode!';

    die 'The data to encode needs to be a reference' if ! ref $data;

    $self->_assert_type( $data ) if $self->enforce_type;

    return $self->__object->encode( $data )

sub decode {
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = shift || die 'Nothing to decode!';

    die q{The data to decode can't be a reference!} if ref $data;

    my $is_file = $self->slurp && $data !~ m{ \n }xms && -e $data && -f _;

    my $rv = $self->__object->decode(
          $is_file            ? do { local(@ARGV, $/) = $data; <> }
        : $data eq 'meta.yml' ? die 'Only a file name (which does not exist) passed as meta data'
                 : $data

    if ( $is_file ) {
       $self->_set___file( $data );

    $self->_assert_type( $rv ) if $self->enforce_type;

    return $rv;

sub _assert_type {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $input = shift || die 'No data specified to enforce a type!';
    my $type  = $self->enforce_type || return;

    my $failed   = $type->validate_explain( $input, 'USER_INPUT' ) || return;
    my $full_msg = join "\n\n", @{ $failed };
    require Data::Dumper;
    my $d        = Data::Dumper->new( [ $input ], [ '*INPUT' ] );

    die sprintf <<'DID_NOT_PASS', $full_msg, $d->Dump;
The data structure does not match the type definition: %s

Input was decoded as (compare to the errors above):





=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME


=head1 VERSION

version 0.016


    use App::Oozie::Serializer;
    my $s = App::Oozie::Serializer->new(
        # ...
        format => 'yaml',
    my $d = $s->decode( $input );


Internal serializer.

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