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# Update Count    : 568
# Status          : Unknown, Use with caution!

################ Common stuff ################

use strict;
use warnings;

use App::Music::PlayTab::Version;
our $VERSION = $App::Music::PlayTab::Version::VERSION;

# Package name.
my $my_package = 'Sciurix';
# Program name and version.
my ($my_name, $my_version) = ( 'playtab', $VERSION );

use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(run);

################ Command line parameters ################

use Getopt::Long;
sub app_options();

my $output;
my $generate;
my $preamble;
my $gxpose = 0;			# global xpose value
my $verbose = 0;		# verbose processing
my $lilypond = 0;		# use LilyPond syntax
my $bpm = 4;
my $syntax;			 # show syntax help

# Development options (not shown with -help).
my $debug = 0;			# debugging
my $trace = 0;			# trace (show process)
my $test = 0;			# test

################ The Process ################

my $line;			# current line (for messages)

my $xpose = $gxpose;

my $data;			# opus being constructed
my $entry;			# entry under construction
my $width  = 30;		# horizontal 'step' for chords
my $height = -15;		# vertical 'step' for lines
my $margin = 40;		# default indentation, if required
my $indent = 0;			# actual indentation
my $barno;			# barnumber (slightly magical)
my $s_margin = $margin;		# save values
my $s_indent = 0;		# save values

use App::Music::PlayTab::Output;

use Encode;
use Clone qw(clone);

sub run {
    local (@ARGV) = @_ ? @_ : @ARGV;

    binmode( STDERR, ':utf8' );
    print STDOUT ("ok 1\n") if $test;

    if ( defined $output ) {
	open(OUTPUT, ">$output") or print STDOUT ("not ") if $test;
	print STDOUT ("ok 2\n") if $test;
    else {
	die("Test mode requires -output option to be set\n") if $test;

    # Options post-processing.
    $trace |= ($debug || $test);
    $xpose = $gxpose;

    # Actually we should probe all backends and let them register what
    # they can handle.
    $generate = 'PDF' if $Cava::Packager::PACKAGED;
    if ( $generate ) {
	if ( $generate eq 'ps' ) {
	    $generate = 'PostScript';
	elsif ( $generate eq 'pdf' ) {
	    $generate = 'PDF';
    elsif ( $output ) {
	if ( $output =~ /\.ps$/i ) {
	    $generate = 'PostScript';
	elsif ( $output =~ /\.pdf$/i ) {
	    $generate = 'PDF';
	elsif ( $output =~ /\.dmp$/i ) {
	    $generate = 'Dump';

    $generate ||= 'PDF';

    my $gen = App::Music::PlayTab::Output->new({
		      generate => $generate,
		      output => $output,

    print STDOUT ("ok 3\n") if $test;


    while ( <> ) {
	# Skip comment lines.
	next if /^\s*#/;
	# Skip LilyPond comment lines.
	next if $lilypond && /^\s*%/;
	# Remove LilyPond line number comments.
	$lilypond && s/\s+\%\s*\d+.*//;
	# Skip empty lines.

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