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t/06_restart.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use FindBin;
use Test::More;
use Cwd qw/cwd/;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;

my @last_ran_params;
my $last_ran_self_install;

  *CORE::GLOBAL::exec = sub
    @last_ran_params = @_;
use App::MechaCPAN;

require q[./t/];

my $pwd = cwd;
my $tmpdir = tempdir( TEMPLATE => File::Spec->tmpdir . "/mechacpan_t_XXXXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1 );

sub run_restart
  @last_ran_params = ();
  undef $last_ran_self_install;
  local *App::MechaCPAN::self_install = sub { $last_ran_self_install = 1 };


# --directory
  # Override some vars it uses to insulate from the prove process
  local *File::Temp::cleanup = sub { };
  local $ENV{PERL5LIB};
  local @ARGV;
  local $App::MechaCPAN::PROJ_DIR = $tmpdir;

  my $exe_path  = "$tmpdir/local/perl/bin";
  my $lib_path  = "$tmpdir/local/lib/perl5";
  my $exe_bin   = "$exe_path/perl";
  my $fake0_bin = "$tmpdir/fake0";
  my $pm        = 'App/';

  is( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'restart_script without enough structure does nothing' );

  # Build a fake structure
    use File::Path qw/make_path/;

    make_path $exe_path;
    make_path $lib_path;

    open my $exe, '>', $exe_bin;
    print $exe "#!/usr/bin/env perl\nexit 0\n";
    close $exe;
    chmod 0700, $exe_bin;

    open my $fake0, '>', $fake0_bin;
    print $fake0 "#!/usr/bin/env perl\nexit 0\n";
    close $fake0;

  isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'restart_script with enough structure does something' );

  local $0 = $fake0_bin;
  is( $last_ran_params[1], $0, '$0 can be manipulated' );

  # Test relative and absolute paths for $0

    local $INC{$pm} = $fake0_bin;
    isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Fully-contained; we can reasonably restart' );
    is( $last_ran_params[0],    $exe_bin,   'Fully-contained; reran with the new perl' );
    is( $last_ran_params[1],    $fake0_bin, 'Fully-contained; reran with the script' );
    is( $last_ran_self_install, undef,      'Fully-contained; does not attempt to install itself' );

    local $0 = "$fake0_bin-noit";
    is( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Unfindable; we do not restart' );
    isnt( $last_ran_self_install, 1, 'Unfindable; does not attempt to install itself' );

    isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Installed; we can reasonably restart' );
    is( $last_ran_params[0],    $exe_bin,   'Installed; reran with the new perl' );
    is( $last_ran_params[1],    $fake0_bin, 'Installed; reran with the script' );
    is( $last_ran_self_install, 1,          'Installed; does attempt to install itself' );

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( run in 1.120 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )