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    if $local_perl eq $this_perl;

  my $real0 = rel_start_to_abs $0;

  if ( !-e -r $real0 )
    logmsg "Could not find '$0', not in '$starting_cwd' nor pwd '$cwd'";
    info "Could not find '$0' in order to restart script";

  if (
    $loaded_at_compile      # IF we were loaded during compile-time
    && -e -x $local_perl    # AND the local perl is there
    && -e -f -r $real0      # AND we are a readable file
    && !$^P                 # AND we're not debugging
    # ReExecute using the local perl
    my @inc_add;
    my @paths = qw/
      sitearchexp sitelibexp
      vendorarchexp vendorlibexp
      archlibexp privlibexp
    my %site_inc = map { $_ => 1 } @Config{@paths}, '.';

    foreach my $lib ( split ':', $ENV{PERL5LIB} )
      $site_inc{$lib} = 1;
      $site_inc{"$lib/$Config{archname}"} = 1;

    # If we are not a self-contained script, we should call self_install to
    # make sure we are installed, by hook or by crook
    if ( $INC{&_inc_pkg} =~ m/MechaCPAN[.]pm/ )

    foreach my $lib (@INC)
      push( @inc_add, $lib )
        unless exists $site_inc{$lib};

    # Make sure anything from PERL5LIB and local::lib are removed since it's
    # most likely the wrong version as well.
    @inc_add = grep { $_ !~ m/^$ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}/xms } @inc_add;

    # If we've running, inform the new us that they are a restarted process
    local $ENV{$restarted_key} = 1
      if ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq 'RUN';

    # Cleanup any files opened already. They arn't useful after we exec

    info "Restarting to local perl\n";
    info( join( " ", $local_perl, map( {"-I$_"} @inc_add ), $real0, @ARGV ) );
    exec( $local_perl, map( {"-I$_"} @inc_add ), $real0, @ARGV );


=encoding utf-8

=head1 NAME

App::MechaCPAN - Mechanize the installation of CPAN things.


  # Install 5.24 into local/perl/
  user@host:~$ mechacpan perl 5.24
  # Install Catalyst into local/
  user@host:~$ mechacpan install Catalyst
  # Install everything from the cpanfile into local/
  # If cpanfile.snapshot exists, it will be consulted first
  user@host:~$ mechacpan install
  # Install perl and everything from the cpanfile into local/
  # If cpanfile.snapshot exists, it will be consulted exclusivly
  user@host:~$ mechacpan deploy
  user@host:~$ zhuli do the thing


App::MechaCPAN Mechanizes the installation of perl and CPAN modules.
It is designed to be small and focuses more on installing things in a self-contained manner. That means that everything is installed into a C<local/> directory.

MechaCPAN was created because installation of a self-contained deployment required at least 4 tools:


=item plenv/Perl-Build or perlbrew to manage perl installations

=item cpanm to install packages

=item local::lib to use locally installed modules

=item carton to manage and deploy exact package versions


In development these tools are invaluable, but when deploying a package, installing at least 4 packages from github, CPAN and the web just for a small portion of each tool is more than needed. App::MechaCPAN aims to be a single tool that can be used ...

App::MechaCPAN focuses on the aspects of these tools needed for deploying packages to a system. For instance, it will read and use carton's C<cpanfile.snapshot> files, but cannot create them. To create C<cpanfile.snapshot> files, you must use carton.

=head2 Should I use App::MechaCPAN instead of <tool>

Probably not, no. It can be used in place of some tools, but its focus is not on the features a developer needs. If your needs are very simple and you don't need many options, you might be able to get away with only using C<App::MechaCPAN>. However b...



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