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t/cli/errors.t  view on Meta::CPAN

# Tests for the App::DocKnot command dispatch error handling.
# Copyright 2018-2021 Russ Allbery <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

use 5.024;
use autodie;
use warnings;

use POSIX qw(LC_ALL setlocale);
use Test::More tests => 11;

# Isolate from the environment.
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C');
local $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} = '/nonexistent';
local $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_DIRS} = '/nonexistent';

# Load the module.
BEGIN { use_ok('App::DocKnot::Command') }

# Check an error against the expected message, removing the trailing newline
# and stripping off the leading $0 that's prepended and the colon and space
# directly following it, if any.
# $error     - The error to check
# $expected  - The expected error message
# $test_name - Additional test name information
# Returns: undef
sub is_error {
    my ($error, $expected, $test_name) = @_;
    $error =~ s{ \A \Q$0\E :? [ ]? }{}xms;
    is($error, $expected, $test_name);

# Create the command-line parser.
my $docknot = App::DocKnot::Command->new();
isa_ok($docknot, 'App::DocKnot::Command');

# Test various errors.
eval { $docknot->run('foo') };
is_error($@, 'unknown command foo', 'Unknown command');
eval { $docknot->run('--bogus', 'generate') };
is_error($@, 'unknown option: bogus', 'Unknown top-level option');
local @ARGV = ();
eval { $docknot->run() };
is_error($@, 'no subcommand given', 'No subcommand');
eval { $docknot->run('generate', '-f', 'readme') };
is_error($@, 'generate: unknown option: f', 'Unknown option');
eval { $docknot->run('generate') };
is_error($@, 'generate: too few arguments', 'Too few arguments');
eval { $docknot->run('generate', 'a', 'b', 'c') };
is_error($@, 'generate: too many arguments', 'Too many arguments');

# Check that commands with no arguments are handled correctly.
eval { $docknot->run('generate-all', 'readme') };
is_error($@, 'generate-all: too many arguments', 'Too many arguments');

# Trigger an error in a submodule to test error rewriting.
eval { $docknot->run('generate', '-m', '/nonexistent', 'readme') };
        'generate: can\'t open \'/nonexistent\' for input:'
          . ' No such file or directory'

# Check for a missing required argument.
eval { $docknot->run('dist') };
is_error($@, 'dist: distdir path not given');

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