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lib/App/Cmd/Tester/  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
package App::Cmd::Tester::CaptureExternal 0.336;

use parent 'App::Cmd::Tester';
use Capture::Tiny 0.13 qw/capture/;

# ABSTRACT: Extends App::Cmd::Tester to capture from external subprograms

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod   use Test::More tests => 4;
#pod   use App::Cmd::Tester::CaptureExternal;
#pod   use YourApp;
#pod   my $result = test_app(YourApp => [ qw(command --opt value) ]);
#pod   like($result->stdout, qr/expected output/, 'printed what we expected');
#pod   is($result->stderr, '', 'nothing sent to sderr');
#pod   ok($result->output, "STDOUT concatenated with STDERR");
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod L<App::Cmd::Tester> provides a useful scaffold for testing applications, but it
#pod is unable to capture output generated from any external subprograms that are
#pod invoked from the application.
#pod This subclass uses an alternate mechanism for capturing output
#pod (L<Capture::Tiny>) that does capture from external programs, with one
#pod major limitation.
#pod It is not possible to capture externally from both STDOUT and STDERR while
#pod also having appropriately interleaved combined output.  Therefore, the
#pod C<output> from this subclass simply concatenates the two.
#pod You can still use C<output> for testing if there is any output at all or for
#pod testing if something appeared in either output stream, but you can't rely on
#pod the ordering being correct between lines to STDOUT and lines to STDERR.
#pod =cut

sub _run_with_capture {
  my ($class, $app, $argv) = @_;

  my $run_rv;

  my ($stdout, $stderr, $ok) = capture {
    eval {
      local $App::Cmd::Tester::TEST_IN_PROGRESS = 1;
      local @ARGV = @$argv;
      $run_rv = $app->run;

  my $error = $ok ? undef : $@;

  return {
    stdout => $stdout,
    stderr => $stderr,
    output => $stdout . $stderr,
    error  => $error,
    run_rv => $run_rv,




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=head1 NAME

App::Cmd::Tester::CaptureExternal - Extends App::Cmd::Tester to capture from external subprograms

=head1 VERSION

version 0.336


  use Test::More tests => 4;
  use App::Cmd::Tester::CaptureExternal;

  use YourApp;

  my $result = test_app(YourApp => [ qw(command --opt value) ]);

  like($result->stdout, qr/expected output/, 'printed what we expected');

  is($result->stderr, '', 'nothing sent to sderr');

  ok($result->output, "STDOUT concatenated with STDERR");


L<App::Cmd::Tester> provides a useful scaffold for testing applications, but it
is unable to capture output generated from any external subprograms that are
invoked from the application.

This subclass uses an alternate mechanism for capturing output
(L<Capture::Tiny>) that does capture from external programs, with one
major limitation.

It is not possible to capture externally from both STDOUT and STDERR while
also having appropriately interleaved combined output.  Therefore, the
C<output> from this subclass simply concatenates the two.

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