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t/05getopts.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../lib";

use Test::More;
use Test::Trap;

BEGIN { use_ok('App::ClusterSSH::Getopt') }

my $getopts;

my $mock_object = Test::ClusterSSH::Mock->new();

$getopts = App::ClusterSSH::Getopt->new( parent => $mock_object );
isa_ok( $getopts, 'App::ClusterSSH::Getopt' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'getops on new object okay' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'Expecting no die message' );

$getopts = App::ClusterSSH::Getopt->new( parent => $mock_object );
isa_ok( $getopts, 'App::ClusterSSH::Getopt' );

trap {
is( $trap->leaveby, 'die', 'adding an empty option failed' );
is( $trap->die,
    q{No "spec" passed to add_option},
    'empty add_option message'
is( $trap->stdout, '', 'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr, '', 'Expecting no STDERR' );

trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'option' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding an empty option failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'getops on object with spec okay' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby,   'return', 'calling option' );
is( $trap->stdout,    '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,    '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,       undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
is( $getopts->option, undef,    'Expecting no die message' );

local @ARGV = '--option1';
$getopts = App::ClusterSSH::Getopt->new( parent => $mock_object );
trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'option1' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding an empty option failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'getops on object with spec okay' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby,    'return', 'calling option' );
is( $trap->stdout,     '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,     '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,        undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
is( $getopts->option1, 1,        'Expecting no die message' );

local @ARGV = '';    # @ARGV is never undef, but an empty string
$getopts = App::ClusterSSH::Getopt->new( parent => $mock_object );
trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'option1', default => 5 );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding an empty option with a default value' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'getops on object with spec okay' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby,    'return', 'calling option' );
is( $trap->stdout,     '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,     '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,        undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
is( $getopts->option1, 5,        'correct default value' );

local @ARGV = ( '--option1', '8' );
$getopts = App::ClusterSSH::Getopt->new( parent => $mock_object );
trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'option1=i', default => 5, );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding an empty option failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'getops on object with spec okay' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
trap {
is( $trap->leaveby,    'return', 'calling option' );
is( $trap->stdout,     '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,     '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
is( $trap->die,        undef,    'Expecting no die message' );
is( $getopts->option1, 8,        'default value overridden' );

@ARGV = ( '--option1', '--option2', 'string', '--option3', '10' );
$getopts = App::ClusterSSH::Getopt->new( parent => $mock_object );
trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'hidden', hidden => 1, no_acessor => 1, );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding an empty option failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'option1', help => 'help for 1' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding an empty option failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
    $getopts->add_option( spec => 'option2|o=s', help => 'help for 2' );
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding option2 failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {
        spec    => 'option3|alt_opt|O=i',
        help    => 'help for 3',
        default => 5
is( $trap->leaveby, 'return', 'adding option3 failed' );
is( $trap->die,     undef,    'no error when spec provided' );
is( $trap->stdout,  '',       'Expecting no STDOUT' );
is( $trap->stderr,  '',       'Expecting no STDERR' );
trap {

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