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inc/inc_Module-Build/Module/Build/  view on Meta::CPAN

  my $package = shift;
  my $self = $package->_construct(@_);

  my @added_earlier = @{ $self->{properties}{_added_to_INC} || [] };

  @INC = ($self->_added_to_INC, @added_earlier, $self->_default_INC);

  # If someone called Module::Build->current() or
  # Module::Build->new_from_context() and the correct class to use is
  # actually a *subclass* of Module::Build, we may need to load that
  # subclass here and re-delegate the resume() method to it.
  unless ( UNIVERSAL::isa($package, $self->build_class) ) {
    my $build_class = $self->build_class;
    my $config_dir = $self->config_dir || '_build';
    my $build_lib = File::Spec->catdir( $config_dir, 'lib' );
    unshift( @INC, $build_lib );
    unless ( $build_class->can('new') ) {
      eval "require $build_class; 1" or die "Failed to re-load '$build_class': $@";
    return $build_class->resume(@_);

  unless ($self->_perl_is_same($self->{properties}{perl})) {
    my $perl = $self->find_perl_interpreter;
* FATAL ERROR: Perl interpreter mismatch. Configuration was initially
  created with '$self->{properties}{perl}'
  but we are now using '$perl'.  You must
  run 'Build realclean' or 'make realclean' and re-configure.


  unless ($self->allow_mb_mismatch) {
    my $mb_version = $Module::Build::VERSION;
    if ( $mb_version ne $self->{properties}{mb_version} ) {
* WARNING: Configuration was initially created with Module::Build
  version '$self->{properties}{mb_version}' but we are now using version '$mb_version'.
  If errors occur, you must re-run the Build.PL or Makefile.PL script.

  $self->{invoked_action} = $self->{action} ||= 'build';

  return $self;

sub new_from_context {
  my ($package, %args) = @_;

  return $package->resume;

sub current {
  # hmm, wonder what the right thing to do here is
  local @ARGV;
  return shift()->resume;

sub _construct {
  my ($package, %input) = @_;

  my $args   = delete $input{args}   || {};
  my $config = delete $input{config} || {};

  my $self = bless {
      args => {%$args},
      config => Module::Build::Config->new(values => $config),
      properties => {
          base_dir        => $package->cwd,
          mb_version      => $Module::Build::VERSION,
      phash => {},
      stash => {}, # temporary caching, not stored in _build
  }, $package;

  my ($p, $ph) = ($self->{properties}, $self->{phash});

  foreach (qw(notes config_data features runtime_params cleanup auto_features)) {
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($self->config_dir, $_);
    $ph->{$_} = Module::Build::Notes->new(file => $file);
    $ph->{$_}->restore if -e $file;
    if (exists $p->{$_}) {
      my $vals = delete $p->{$_};
      while (my ($k, $v) = each %$vals) {
        $self->$_($k, $v);

  # The following warning could be unnecessary if the user is running
  # an embedded perl, but there aren't too many of those around, and
  # embedded perls aren't usually used to install modules, and the
  # installation process sometimes needs to run external scripts
  # (e.g. to run tests).
  $p->{perl} = $self->find_perl_interpreter
    or $self->log_warn("Warning: Can't locate your perl binary");

  my $blibdir = sub { File::Spec->catdir($p->{blib}, @_) };
  $p->{bindoc_dirs} ||= [ $blibdir->("script") ];
  $p->{libdoc_dirs} ||= [ $blibdir->("lib"), $blibdir->("arch") ];

  $p->{dist_author} = [ $p->{dist_author} ] if defined $p->{dist_author} and not ref $p->{dist_author};

  # Synonyms
  $p->{requires} = delete $p->{prereq} if defined $p->{prereq};
  $p->{script_files} = delete $p->{scripts} if defined $p->{scripts};

  # Convert to from shell strings to arrays
  for ('extra_compiler_flags', 'extra_linker_flags') {
    $p->{$_} = [ $self->split_like_shell($p->{$_}) ] if exists $p->{$_};

  # Convert to arrays

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