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    local CPAN mirror

    This document describes version 0.002 of
    Acme::CPANModules::LocalCPANMirror (from Perl distribution
    Acme-CPANModules-LocalCPANMirror), released on 2023-10-29.

    Since CPAN repository is just a hierarchy of files, you can simply use a
    recursive download/mirror tool over http/https/ftp. However, for
    additional features you can take a look at the modules in this list.

        Author: RJBS <>

        This module lets you create a so-called "mini mirror", which only
        contains the newest release for each distribution (where CPAN might
        also contains previous versions of a distribution as long as the
        CPAN author does not clean up his previous releases). This produces
        a significantly smaller CPAN mirror which you can use on your

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