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package Acme::CPANModules::BloomFilters;

use strict;

our $DATE = '2022-03-18'; # DATE
our $DIST = 'Acme-CPANModules-BloomFilters'; # DIST
our $VERSION = '0.004'; # VERSION

our $LIST = {
    summary => "List of bloom filter modules on CPAN",
    description => <<'_',

Bloom filter is a data structure that allows you to quickly check whether an
element is in a set. Compared to a regular hash, it is much more
memory-efficient. The downside is that bloom filter can give you false
positives, although false negatives are not possible. So in essence you can ask
a bloom filter which item is "possibly in set" or "definitely not in set". You
can configure the rate of false positives. The larger the filter, the smaller
the rate. Some examples for application of bloom filter include: 1) checking
whether a password is in a dictionary of millions of common/compromised
passwords; 2) checking an email address against leak database; 3) virus pattern
checking; 4) IP/domain blacklisting/whitelisting. Due to its properties, it is
sometimes combined with other data structures. For example, a small bloom filter
can be distributed with a software to check against a database. When the answer
from bloom filter is "possibly in set", the software can further consult on
online database to make sure if it is indeed in set. Thus, bloom filter can be
used to reduce the number of direct queries to database.

In Perl, my default go-to choice is <pm:Algorithm::BloomFilter>, unless there's
a specific feature I need from other implementations.

    entries => [
            module => 'Bloom::Filter',
            description => <<'_',

Does not provide mehods to save/load to/from strings/files, although you can
just take a peek at the source code or the hash object and get the filter there.
Performance might not be stellar since it's pure-Perl.

            tags => ['implementation'],
            module => 'Bloom16',
            description => <<'_',

An Inline::C module. Barely documented. Also does not provide filter
saving/loading methods.

            tags => ['implementation'],
            module => 'Algorithm::BloomFilter',
            description => <<'_',

XS, made by SMUELLER. Can merge other bloom filters. Provides serialize and
deserialize methods.

            tags => ['implementation'],
            module => 'Bloom::Scalable',
            description => <<'_',

Pure-perl module. A little weird, IMO, e.g. with hardcoded filenames. The
distribution also provides <pm:Bloom::Simple>.

            tags => ['implementation'],
            module => 'Bloom::Simple',
            description => <<'_',

Pure-perl module. A little weird, IMO, e.g. with hardcoded filenames.
The distribution also provides <pm:Bloom::Simple>.

            tags => ['implementation'],
            module => 'Bloom::Faster',
            description => <<'_',

XS module. Serialize/deserialize directly to/from files, no string
(de)serialization provided.

            tags => ['implementation'],
            module => 'Text::Bloom',
            description => <<'_',

Pure-Perl module, part of Text-Document distribution. Uses <pm:Bit::Vector>.

            module => 'App::BloomUtils',
            category => ['cli'],
            module => 'Bencher::Scenarios::BloomFilters',
            category => ['benchmark'],

# ABSTRACT: List of bloom filter modules on CPAN



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Acme::CPANModules::BloomFilters - List of bloom filter modules on CPAN

=head1 VERSION

This document describes version 0.004 of Acme::CPANModules::BloomFilters (from Perl distribution Acme-CPANModules-BloomFilters), released on 2022-03-18.


Bloom filter is a data structure that allows you to quickly check whether an
element is in a set. Compared to a regular hash, it is much more
memory-efficient. The downside is that bloom filter can give you false
positives, although false negatives are not possible. So in essence you can ask
a bloom filter which item is "possibly in set" or "definitely not in set". You
can configure the rate of false positives. The larger the filter, the smaller
the rate. Some examples for application of bloom filter include: 1) checking
whether a password is in a dictionary of millions of common/compromised
passwords; 2) checking an email address against leak database; 3) virus pattern
checking; 4) IP/domain blacklisting/whitelisting. Due to its properties, it is
sometimes combined with other data structures. For example, a small bloom filter
can be distributed with a software to check against a database. When the answer
from bloom filter is "possibly in set", the software can further consult on
online database to make sure if it is indeed in set. Thus, bloom filter can be
used to reduce the number of direct queries to database.

In Perl, my default go-to choice is L<Algorithm::BloomFilter>, unless there's
a specific feature I need from other implementations.



=item * L<Bloom::Filter> - Sample Perl Bloom filter implementation

Author: L<XAERXESS|>

Does not provide mehods to save/load to/from strings/files, although you can
just take a peek at the source code or the hash object and get the filter there.
Performance might not be stellar since it's pure-Perl.

=item * L<Bloom16> - Perl extension for "threshold" Bloom filters


An Inline::C module. Barely documented. Also does not provide filter
saving/loading methods.

=item * L<Algorithm::BloomFilter> - A simple bloom filter data structure

Author: L<SMUELLER|>

XS, made by SMUELLER. Can merge other bloom filters. Provides serialize and
deserialize methods.

=item * L<Bloom::Scalable> - Implementation of the probalistic datastructure - ScalableBloomFilter

Author: L<SUBBU|>

Pure-perl module. A little weird, IMO, e.g. with hardcoded filenames. The
distribution also provides L<Bloom::Simple>.

=item * L<Bloom::Simple>

Author: L<SUBBU|>

Pure-perl module. A little weird, IMO, e.g. with hardcoded filenames.
The distribution also provides L<Bloom::Simple>.

=item * L<Bloom::Faster> - Perl extension for the c library libbloom.

Author: L<PALVARO|>

XS module. Serialize/deserialize directly to/from files, no string
(de)serialization provided.

=item * L<Text::Bloom>


Pure-Perl module, part of Text-Document distribution. Uses L<Bit::Vector>.

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