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    an email address against leak database; 3) virus pattern checking; 4)
    IP/domain blacklisting/whitelisting. Due to its properties, it is
    sometimes combined with other data structures. For example, a small
    bloom filter can be distributed with a software to check against a
    database. When the answer from bloom filter is "possibly in set", the
    software can further consult on online database to make sure if it is
    indeed in set. Thus, bloom filter can be used to reduce the number of
    direct queries to database.

    In Perl, my default go-to choice is Algorithm::BloomFilter, unless
    there's a specific feature I need from other implementations.

    *   Bloom::Filter - Sample Perl Bloom filter implementation

        Author: XAERXESS <>

        Does not provide mehods to save/load to/from strings/files, although
        you can just take a peek at the source code or the hash object and
        get the filter there. Performance might not be stellar since it's

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