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Version 2.6.3 (released 25 Oct 2012, revision 1142)

 * This release does not support AFS system libraries version 3.4 or
   version 3.5
 * This release does not support any features and interfaces from
   AFSPerl "version 1"

 User-visible changes:
 * added patch for OpenAFS to create "PIC" type system libraries on
   64-bit platforms
 * compiles with OpenAFS system libraries version 1.4.X on 32-bit and
   on 64-bit platforms
 * added installation description for 64-bit platforms
 * released the BOS methods
   - addhost
   - removehost
   - adduser
   - removeuser
   - setrestart
 * updated POD documentation of AFS::VLDB
   updated argument description for VOLUME in several
   methods: "(volume name or volume ID number)"
 * fixed method AFS::VOS->create
 * extended method AFS::VOS->dump: added "omitdir" option
 * added new method AFS::ACL->is_clean
 * modified AFS::ACL->cleanacl: uses method "is_clean" to check if
   there is anything to do
 * method AFS::VOS->listvolume provides also the values "copyDate",
   "backupDate", and "accessDate"
 * patched example for AFS::KTC_TOKEN->SetToken to handle several
 * updated example scripts for all AFS modules

 Developer-visible changes:
 * rewrite of method AFS::VOS->backupsys
 * concatenate compiler flags in Makefile.PL
 * cleaned up compiler warnings
 * cleaned up memory allocation for the AFS::PTS, AFS::VOS, AFS::VLDB,
   and AFS::BOS modules
 * closed memory leaks because of multiple calls to "rx_Init" in the
   AFS::PTS, AFS::VOS, AFS::VLDB, and AFS::BOS modules
 * converted "integer" checks to "Scalar::Util(looks_like_number)"
   utility for all AFS::VOS methods and all AFS::VOS examples

Version 2.6.2 (released 31 Mar 2010, revision 961)

 * This release does not support AFS system libraries version 3.4 or
   version 3.5
 * Two of the hash key names returned by the VLDB method "listaddrs" have
   changed in version 2.4.1 (see POD doku AFS::VLDB)
 * This release does not support any features and interfaces from
   AFSPerl "version 1"

 User-visible changes:
 * compiles with OpenAFS system libraries version 1.4.12
 * fixed method AFS::VLDB->listvldb: fixed segmentation error
 * improved Makefile.PL script for Perl 5.10.0 and "threaded PIC" libraries
 * updated example scripts for the modules AFS::VLDB and AFS::VOS
 * improved test drivers for the modules AFS::VLDB and AFS::VOS;

 Developer-visible changes:
 * convertet all VERSION variables to "dotted decimal version" with leading "v"
 * changed argument type from "int" to "string" for method AFS::VLDB->removeaddr

Version 2.6.1 (released 17 Nov 2008, revision 906)

 * This release does not support AFS system libraries version 3.4 or
   version 3.5
 * Two of the hash key names returned by the VLDB method "listaddrs" have
   changed in version 2.4.1 (see POD doku AFS::VLDB)
 * This release does not support any features and interfaces from
   AFSPerl "version 1"

 User-visible changes:
 * fixed method AFS::KAS->getentry: fixed return value for passwd_reuse
 * fixed method AFS::VLDB->listvldb: fixed segmentation error
 * updated example scripts for the modules AFS::KAS
 * fixed Makefile.PL to recognize Transarc/IBM system libraries

 Developer-visible changes:
 * cleaned up Makefile.PL

Version 2.6.0 (released 27 Oct 2008, revision 888)

 * This release does not support AFS system libraries version 3.4 or
   version 3.5
 * Two of the hash key names returned by the VLDB method "listaddrs" have
   changed in version 2.4.1 (see POD doku AFS::VLDB)
 * This release does not support any features and interfaces from
   AFSPerl "version 1"

 User-visible changes:
 * compiles now with Perl 5.10.0
 * HTML documentation updated in order to include cross-references

 Developer-visible changes:
 * runs some tests only for module author
 * recognizes "automated tests" from CPAN testers

Version 2.4.1 (released 23 Oct 2008, revision 836/863)

 * This release does not support AFS system libraries version 3.4 or
   version 3.5
 * Two of the hash key names returned by the VLDB method "listaddrs" have
   changed (see POD doku AFS::VLDB)

 User-visible changes:
 * improved several test drivers;
 * updated example scripts for the modules AFS:VOS, AFS::VLDB,
 * improved POD documentation for AFS::FS and AFS
 * POD documentation gets installed automatically
 * fixed method AFS::VLDB->listaddrs: lists now all servers
 * fixed method AFS::VOS->listvol: returns correct name and volid when
   volume is busy
 * fixed method AFS::VOS->listvldb: returns proper "release" strings
 * improved error messages when OpenAFS configuration files are missing
 * compiles now with OpenAFS system libraries newer than 1.4.4
 * improved Makefile.PL script to avoid interactive queries

 Developer-visible changes:
 * modified initialization of the "cell" variable for "fs" functions
 * cleaned up source code and error handling for "vos" functions, "vldb"
   functions, and "bos" functions

Version 2.4.0 (released 20 Feb 2006, revision 777)

 * This release does not support AFS system libraries version 3.4 or
   version 3.5

 User-visible changes:
 * implementation of most commands of the BOS command suite
 * POD documentation for the module AFS::BOS
 * compiles now with OpenAFS 1.4 system libraries
 * improved several test drivers;
 * fixed method AFS::VOS->listvolume: returns volume name when
   volume id number is given
 * patched function fs_getquota
 * improved POD documentation for AFS::VOS

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