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t/data/python_quotes.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

my seventh proof for the existence of God ...
      -- Tim Peters, 25 Mar 1997

You're going to be in a minority - you're coming to Python programming from a
language which offers you a lot more in the way of comfortable operations than
Python, instead of coming from medieval torture chambers like C or Fortran,
which offer so much less.
      -- Andrew Mullhaupt, 26 Jun 1997

...although Python uses an obsolete approach to memory management, it is a
*good* implementation of that approach, as opposed to S, which uses a
combination of bad implementation and demented design decisions to arrive at
what may very well be the worst memory behavior of any actually useful program.
      -- Andrew Mullhaupt, 26 Jun 1997

I suggested holding a "Python Object Oriented Programming Seminar", but the
acronym was unpopular.
      -- Joseph Strout, 28 Feb 1997

Strangely enough I saw just such a beast at the grocery store last night.
Starbucks sells Javachip. (It's ice cream, but that shouldn't be an obstacle
for the Java marketing people.)
      -- Jeremy Hylton, 29 Apr 1997

    A little girl goes into a pet show and asks for a wabbit. The shop keeper
looks down at her, smiles and says:
    "Would you like a lovely fluffy little white rabbit, or a cutesy wootesly
little brown rabbit?"
    "Actually", says the little girl, "I don't think my python would notice."
      -- Told by Nick Leaton, 4 Dec 1996

When I originally designed Perl 5's OO, I thought about a lot of this stuff,
and chose the explicit object model of Python as being the least confusing. So
far I haven't seen a good reason to change my mind on that.
      -- Larry Wall, 27 Feb 1997 on perl5-porters

PSA 1996 Budget
$1,093,276.54  'Guido for President' 
                 Campaign Contributions(1)
$        3.12  Milk Money Extortion Program
$    2,934.07  PSA Memberships
$1,096,213.73  Total Income

$  652,362.55  Monty Python Licencing Fees (2)
$   10,876.45  Pre-Release 2 Week Vacations (3)
$  369,841.59  Post-Release 2 Week Vacations (3)
$       15.01  Alien Abduction Insurance
$   62,541.72  Python Web Site Maintenance
$      554.65  Great Comfort Cream
$1,096,191.97  Total Expenses
$      (21.76) Total Profit (Loss)
    (1) Many of you many not be aware of the fabulously successful 'Guido for
President' Campaign. While Guido has no interest in being the president, the
PSA thought it would be a cool way to collect money. The centerpiece of the
campaign featured an attractive offer to spend the night in Guido's spare
bedroom in exchange for a $50,000.00 contribution. (Mark Lutz stayed TWICE!)
    (2) Since the proliferation of Monty Python related names (Python, Monty,
Grail, Eric-the-Half-a-Compiler, et al.) has increased over the past year, the
PSA felt it would be wise to licencing the Python name to forestall any
lawsuits. An added benefit is that John Cleese is teaching Guido how to walk
    (3) Pre-Release vacations are spent in the Catskills. Post-Release
vacations are spent in the Bahamas. Guido is currently working on a system
which will allow him to make more releases of Python; thus octupling the number
of vacations he takes in a year.
      -- Matthew Lewis Carroll Smith, 4 Apr 1997

I mean, just take a look at Joe Strout's brilliant little "python for
beginners" page. Replace all print-statements with sys.stdout.write(
string.join(map(str, args)) + "\n") and you surely won't get any new beginners.
And That Would Be A Very Bad Thing.
      -- Fredrik Lundh, 27 Aug 1996

Ya, ya, ya, except ... if I were built out of KSR chips, I'd be running at 25
or 50 MHz, and would be wrong about ALMOST EVERYTHING almost ALL THE TIME just
due to being a computer! Think about it -- when's the last time you spent 20
hours straight debugging your son/wife/friend/neighbor/dog/ferret/snake? And
they *still* fell over anyway? Except in a direction you've never seen before
each time you try it? The easiest way to tell you're dealing with a computer is
when the other side keeps making the same moronic misteakes over and misteakes
over and misteakes over and misteakes over and misteakes over and misteakes
CTRL-C again.
      -- Tim Peters, 30 Apr 1997

BTW, a member of the ANSI C committee once told me that the only thing rand is
used for in C code is to decide whether to pick up the axe or throw the dwarf,
and if that's true I guess "the typical libc rand" is adequate for all but the
most fanatic of gamers <wink>.
      -- Tim Peters, 21 June 1997.

Things in Python are very clear, but are harder to find than the secrets of
wizards. Things in Perl are easy to find, but look like arcane spells to invoke
      -- Mike Meyer, 6 Nov 1997

    Indeed, as Palin has come to understand, being part of Python means never
really knowing what may lurk around the corner.
    "We've never really followed any rules at all with Python," he said. "We're
a spontaneous lot. It's more fun that way."
      -- Michael Palin, quoted from a Reuters/Variety news item titled
         "Rare Python Reunion", Jan 15 1998.

Python is an excellent language for learning object orientation. (It also
happens to be my favorite OO scripting language.)
      -- Sriram Srinivasan, _Advanced Perl Programming_

The point is that newbies almost always read more into the semantics of release
than are specified, so it's worthwile to be explicit about how little is being
said <wink>.
      -- Tim Peters, 12 Feb 1998

Ah! "Never mind" to a bunch of what I said before (this editor can't move
backwards <wink>).
      -- Tim Peters, 12 Feb 1998

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