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lib/ACME/  view on Meta::CPAN

    # 'The Simpsons'
    # randomly display one quote from all available for person 'Ralph'
    perl -MACME::QuoteDB -le 'print quote({AttrName => "ralph"})'

    # example of output
    Prinskipper Skippel... Primdable Skimpsker... I found something!
    -- Ralph Wiggum

    # get 1 quote, only using these categories (you have defined)
    perl -MACME::QuoteDB -le 'print quote({Category => [qw(Humor Cartoon ROTFLMAO)]})'

In a script/module, OO usage:

    use ACME::QuoteDB;

    my $sq = ACME::QuoteDB->new;

    # get random quote from any attribution
    print $sq->get_quote; 

    # get random quote from specified attribution
    print $sq->get_quote({AttrName => 'chief wiggum'}); 

    # example of output
    I hope this has taught you kids a lesson: kids never learn.
    -- Chief Wiggum

    # get all quotes from one source
    print @{$sq->get_quotes({Source => 'THE SimPSoNs'})}; # is case insensitive

    # get 2 quotes, with a low rating that contain a specific string
    print @{$sq->get_quotes_contain({
                  Contain =>  'til the cow',
                  Rating  => '1-5',
                  Limit   => 2

    # get 5 quotes from given source
    print @{$sq->get_quotes({Source => 'The Simpsons',
                             Limit  => 5

    # list all sources
    print $sq->list_attr_sources;

    # list all categories
    print $sq->list_categories;


This module provides an easy to use programmitic interface 
to a database (sqlite3 or mysql) of 'quotes'.  (any content really, 
that can fit into our L<"defined format"|/"record format">)

For simplicty you can think of it as a modern fancy perl version 
of L<fortune|/fortune> 
(with a management interface, remote database
connection support, 
plus additional features and some not (yet) supported)

Originally, this module was designed for a collection of quotes from a well 
known TV show, once I became aware that distributing it as such would be 
L<copyright infringement|/'copyright infringement'>, I generalized the module, so it can be loaded 
with 'any' content. (in the quote-ish L<format|/"record format">)

=head4 Supported actions include: (CRUD)

=over 4

=item 1 Create

       * Adding quote(s)
       * 'Batch' Loading quotes from a file (stream, other database, etc)

=item 1 Read

       * Displaying a single quote, random or based on some criteria
       * Displaying multiple quotes, based on some criteria
       * Displaying a specific number of quotes, based on some search criteria

=item 1 Update

       * Update an existing quote

=item 1 Delete

       * Remove an existing quote


=head4 Examples of L<Read|/Read>

    my $sq = ACME::QuoteDB->new;

    # on Oct 31st, one could get an appropriate (humorous) quote:
    # (providing, of course that you have defined/populated these categories)
    print $sq->get_quote({Category => [qw(Haloween Humor)]}); 

    # get everthing from certain attributor:
    print @{$sq->get_quotes({AttrName => 'comic book guy'})};

    # get all quotes with a certain rating
    $sq->get_quotes({Rating => '7.0'});

    # get all quotes containing some specific text:
    $sq->get_quotes_contain({Contain => 'til the cow'});

=head4 Examples of L<Create|/Create>

(See L<ACME::QuoteDB::LoadDB> for batch loading)
    # add a quote to the database
    my $id_of_added = $sq->add_quote({
                          Quote     => 'Hi, I'm Peter,...",
                          AttrName  => 'Peter Griffin',
                          Source    => 'Family American Dad Guy',
                          Rating    => '1.6',

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