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lib/AI/FANN/Evolving/  view on Meta::CPAN

	my $remain = 1 - $sample;
	$log->info("going to partition into $sample : $remain");
	# compute number of different dependent patterns and ratios of each
	my @dependents = $self->dependent_data;
	my %seen;
	for my $dep ( @dependents ) {
		my $key = join '/', @{ $dep };
	# adjust counts to sample size
	for my $key ( keys %seen ) {
		$log->debug("counts: $key => $seen{$key}");
		$seen{$key} = int( $seen{$key} * $sample );
		$log->debug("rescaled: $key => $seen{$key}");

	# start the sampling	
	my @dc = map { $self->{'header'}->{$_} } $self->dependent_columns;
	my @new_table; # we will populate this
	my @table = @{ $clone1->{'table'} }; # work on cloned instance
	# as long as there is still sampling to do 
	SAMPLE: while( grep { !!$_ } values %seen ) {
		for my $i ( 0 .. $#table ) {
			my @r = @{ $table[$i] };
			my $key = join '/', @r[@dc];
			if ( $seen{$key} ) {
				my $rand = rand(1);
				if ( $rand < $sample ) {
					push @new_table, \@r;
					splice @table, $i, 1;
					$log->debug("still to go for $key: $seen{$key}");
					next SAMPLE;
	$clone2->{'table'} = \@new_table;
	$clone1->{'table'} = \@table;
	return $clone2, $clone1;

=item size

Returns the number of data records


sub size { scalar @{ shift->{'table'} } }

=item to_fann

Packs data into an L<AI::FANN> TrainData structure


sub to_fann {
	$log->debug("encoding data as FANN struct");
	my $self = shift;
	my @cols = @_ ? @_ : $self->predictor_columns;
	my @deps = $self->dependent_data;
	my @pred = $self->predictor_data( 'cols' => \@cols );
	my @interdigitated;
	for my $i ( 0 .. $#deps ) {
		push @interdigitated, $pred[$i], $deps[$i];
	return AI::FANN::TrainData->new(@interdigitated);




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