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lib/ACME/  view on Meta::CPAN

our @EXPORT = qw/quote/; # support one liner

use Carp qw/croak/;
use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
use ACME::QuoteDB::LoadDB;
use aliased 'ACME::QuoteDB::DB::Attribution' => 'Attr';
use aliased 'ACME::QuoteDB::DB::QuoteCatg'  => 'QuoteCatg';
use aliased 'ACME::QuoteDB::DB::Category'  => 'Catg';
use aliased 'ACME::QuoteDB::DB::Quote'    => 'Quote';

binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(utf8)';
binmode STDERR, ':encoding(utf8)';

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self = bless {}, $class;
    return $self;

# provide 1 non OO method for one liners
sub quote {
    my ($arg_ref) = @_;

lib/ACME/QuoteDB/  view on Meta::CPAN

    $self->{record}->{quote}  = q{};
    $self->{record}->{rating} = q{};
    $self->{record}->{name}   = q{};
    $self->{record}->{source} = q{};
    $self->{record}->{catg}   = q{};

    $self->{file}        = $args->{file};
    $self->{dir}         = $args->{dir};
    $self->{data}        = $args->{data};
    $self->{file_format} = $args->{file_format};
    $FILE_ENCODING       = $args->{file_encoding} || $FILE_ENCODING;
    $self->{delim}       = $args->{delimiter};
    $self->{verbose}     = $args->{verbose};
    $self->{category}    = $args->{category};
    $self->{rating}      = $args->{rating};
    $self->{attr_source} = $args->{attr_source};
    $self->{orig_args}   = $args;
    $self->{success}     = undef;

    # start with if set
    $self->{record}->{rating} = $self->{rating};

t/01-load_quotes.t  view on Meta::CPAN

  # this is an example of importing a file in the 'fortune' format
  # subclass ACME::QuoteDB::LoadDB and override dbload, to do our parsing
  package Fortune2QuoteDB;
  use base 'ACME::QuoteDB::LoadDB';
  use Carp qw/croak/;
  use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;

  sub dbload {
    my ($self, $file) = @_;

    open my $source, '<:encoding(utf8)', $file || croak $!;

    local $/ = $self->{delim};

    my $q = q{};

    while (my $line = <$source>){


      $q .= $line;

t/04-load_get_quote_utf8.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!perl -T
# /* vim:et: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 tw=78 encoding=utf-8: */

use 5.008005;        # require perl 5.8.5
                     # DBD::SQLite Unicode is not supported before 5.8.5
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8; # yes this source code does contain utf8 characters

use ACME::QuoteDB;
use ACME::QuoteDB::LoadDB;

t/data/python_quotes.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

      -- Barry Warsaw, 23 Mar 2000

    >Have you ever looked at the output of a bib | tbl | eqn pipeline?
    Are you kids still using that as a pick-up line?
      -- Roy Smith and Cameron Laird, 4 Apr 2000

This is like getting lost in a dictionary. What does quincuncial mean anyhow?
      -- Dennis Hamilton, 4 Apr 2000

UTF-8 has a certain purity in that it equally annoys every nation, and is
nobody's default encoding.
      -- Andy Robinson, 10 Apr 2000

    "Now if we could figure out where python programmers are from, someone
could write a book and get rich."
      -- Quinn Dunkan and Warren Postma, 11 Apr 2000

If I didn't have my part-time performance art income to help pay the bills, I
could never afford to support my programming lifestyle.
      -- Jeff Bauer, 21 Apr 2000

t/data/  view on Meta::CPAN

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t/data/  view on Meta::CPAN

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t/data/  view on Meta::CPAN

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t/data/  view on Meta::CPAN

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