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lib/Carp/  view on Meta::CPAN

The Banner reads better when words in the
L<handler_name|/handler_name> are separated by spaces rather
than underscores (C<_>).  Likewise with camelCasedIdentifiers.

Underscores are replaced by single spaces everywhere they occur.  Spaces
are inserted everywhere character-case changes from lower to upper, and
upper-case characters are folded to lower-case.  The following are example

    'no_user_credentials'  => 'no user credentials'
    'nonexistentRecord'    => 'nonexistent record'

Sub-class B<Carp::Proxy> and override B<identifier_presentation()> if
you want a different convention.

=head2 import

    <void> $class->import( <%attrs_by_proxy>);

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