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lib/Business/  view on Meta::CPAN

		$tx->add(URL => $self->{local});
		foreach my $opt (grep { $_ ne '__handler' } keys (%{ $self->{routes}{$route} })) {
			$tx->add('Option', $self->{routes}{$route}{$opt}, name => $opt);

=item C<B<sender_callback>( I<$sub> )>

By default, a request's From/Sender credentials are only used to guess
response credentials.  If you specify a callback here, it will be invoked
immediately after XML parsing, before passing to transaction handlers, giving
you an opportunity to authenticate the caller.

Your subroutine will be passed 3 arguments:


=item 1. The current L<Business::cXML> object

=item 2. The Sender L<Business::cXML::Credential> object

lib/Business/cXML/  view on Meta::CPAN

B<Permanent errors:>


=item C<400> Bad Request

Parsed OK but unacceptable

=item C<401> Unauthorized

Request/Sender credentials not recognized

=item C<402> Payment Required

Need complete Payment element

=item C<403> Forbidden

Insufficient privileges

=item C<406> Not Acceptable

t/xml-catalog/cXML-1.2.036/cXML.dtd  view on Meta::CPAN

    For cXML license agreement information, please see

    $Id: //ariba/cxml/Modules/Profile.mod#6 $


    An AuthRequest is used when one party (the "receiver") receives
    credentials from another party (the "principal") and the receiver
    needs a trusted third party to validate the credentials.  The
    receiver should enclose the credentials in an AuthRequest and send
    them to the trusted third party for validation.

    If the principal attempts to authenticate by revealing the shared
    secret between itself and the trusted third party (not
    recommended), the receiver should forward the credentials as they
    were received, including the shared secret.

    If the principal attempts to authenticate through a client
    certificate (recommended), the receiver should forward the
    credentials as well as an X509Data element containing an
    X509IssuerSerial element describing the certificate used by the
    principal (the receiver normally obtains this information from its
    webserver or SSL/TLS implementation).

    If the supplied credential is invalid, the trusted third party
    should respond with an empty cXML response of status 403
    (Forbidden).  If the supplied credential is valid, the trusted
    third party should respond with an AuthResponse that contains the
    valid credentials.
<!ELEMENT AuthRequest (Credential+, X509Data?)>


    An X509Data element is constructed to describe an X.509 client
    certificate being used for authentication.  This element (and its
    children) are derived from the XML Digital Signature standard ().

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