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=head3 Business::UPS::Tracking::X::XML

XML parser or schema error.

=head2 Accessor / method naming

The naming of the methods and accessors tries to stick close to the names
used by the UPS webservice. All accessors containg uppercase letters access
xml data. Lowercase-only accessors and methods are used for utility

=head2 UPS license

In order to use this module you need to obtain a "Tracking WebService"
license key. See L<> for more

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

 my $tracking = Business::UPS::Tracking->new(%params);

Create a C<Business::UPS::Tracking> object. See L<ACCESSORS> for available

=head2 access_request

UPS access request.

=head2 request

 my $request = $tracking->request(%request_params);

Returns a L<Business::UPS::Tracking::Request> object.

=head2 request_run

 my $response = $tracking->request_run(%request_params);

Generates a L<Business::UPS::Tracking::Request> object and imideately
executes it, returning a L<Business::UPS::Tracking::Response> object.


=head2 AccessLicenseNumber

UPS tracking service access license number

=head2 UserId

UPS account username

=head2 Password

UPS account password

=head2 config

Optionally you can retrieve all or some UPS webservice credentials from a
configuration file. This accessor holds the path to this file.
Defaults to C<~/.ups_tracking>

Example configuration file:

 <?xml version="1.0"?>

=head2 retry_http

Number of retries if http errors occur

Defaults to 0

=head2 url

UPS Tracking webservice url.

Defaults to

=head2 _ua

L<LWP::UserAgent> object.

Automatically generated


has 'retry_http' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    isa         => 'Int',
    default     => 0,
    documentation   => 'Number of retries if HTTP errors occur [Default 0]',
has 'url' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    default     => sub { '' },
    documentation   => 'UPS webservice url',
has '_ua' => (
    is          => 'rw',
    lazy        => 1,
    isa         => 'LWP::UserAgent',
    builder     => '_build_ua',

sub _build_ua {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
        agent       => __PACKAGE__ . " ". $VERSION,
        timeout     => 50,
        env_proxy   => 1,

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