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t/210-USPS_Online-basic.t  view on Meta::CPAN

#!/bin/env perl

# USPS_Online RateRequest suite of tests.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Carp;
use Business::Shipping;
use Data::Dumper;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);

plan skip_all => 'Required modules not installed'
    unless Business::Shipping::Config::calc_req_mod('USPS_Online');

plan skip_all => 'No credentials'

plan skip_all => 'Slow tests. Set TEST_SLOW to run.'
    unless $ENV{TEST_SLOW};

plan 'no_plan';

#goto letter_is_cheaper;

    my $standard_method
        = new Business::Shipping->rate_request(shipper => 'Online::USPS');
    ok(defined $standard_method, 'USPS standard object construction');

    my $other_method = new Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::RateRequest;
    ok(defined $other_method, 'USPS alternate object construction');

    my $package = new Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Package;
    ok(defined $package, 'USPS package object construction');

    my $shipment = Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Shipment->new();
    is( blessed($shipment),
        'Business::Shipping::USPS_Online::Shipment created successfully'

    is($shipment->to_zip(), '98683', 'Shipment: set and get zip code.');

    my $rate_request = Business::Shipping->rate_request(
        shipper  => 'USPS_Online',
        service  => 'Priority',
        from_zip => '98683',
        to_zip   => '98270',
        weight   => 5.00,

    is($rate_request->to_zip(), '98270',
        'rate_request() to set, then get zip code.');

    my $rate_request = Business::Shipping->rate_request(
        shipper      => 'USPS_Online',
        'service'    => 'Priority Mail International',
        'weight'     => 1,
        'ounces'     => 0,
        'mail_type'  => 'Package',
        'to_country' => 'Great Britain',
        'from_zip'   => '98682',

    #is($rate_request->to_country(), 'Great Britain',
    #    'rate_request() to set, then get to_country.');
    ok(1, 'do nothing');

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( run in 0.934 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )