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    my $tx = new Business::OnlinePayment('Ogone', pspid => 'fred', login => 'bedrock_api', password => 'fl1nst0ne');

=head2 content()

This method takes a lot of parameters to prepare the transaction to be submitted. Depending on these parameters the
payment processor will act on them in different ways, you can consider it a sort of dispatch table. The main actors are
C<action>, C<alias>, C<win3ds>.

=head3 content() internal parameter mappings

        # credentials
        login   => 'USERID',
        password => 'PSWD',
        PSPID   => 'PSPID',
        # primary identifier
        invoice_number => 'orderID',
        # transaction identifiers (action = query)
        payid => 'PAYID',
        payidsub => 'PAYIDSUB',

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