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        $self->normalize_params( $params )

sub _new_redirect_flow_url {
    my ( $self,$params ) = @_;

    my $data = $self->api_post(
        { redirect_flows => { %{ $params } } },

    my $RedirectFlow = Business::GoCardless::RedirectFlow->new(
        client => $self,
        %{ $data->{redirect_flows} }

    return $RedirectFlow->redirect_url;

sub _confirm_redirect_flow {
    my ( $self,$redirect_flow_id ) = @_;

    # first find the original session token
    my $RedirectFlow = Business::GoCardless::RedirectFlow->new(
        client => $self,
        id => $redirect_flow_id,

    $RedirectFlow->find_with_client( 'redirect_flows' );

    # now confirm the redirect flow
    my $data = $self->api_post(
        { data => { session_token => $RedirectFlow->session_token } },

    $RedirectFlow = Business::GoCardless::RedirectFlow->new(
        client => $self,
        %{ $data->{redirect_flows} }

    return $RedirectFlow;

sub _confirm_resource {
    my ( $self,$params ) = @_;

    if ( ! $self->signature_valid( $params,$self->app_secret ) ) {
            message => "Invalid signature for confirm_resource"

    my $data = {
        resource_id   => $params->{resource_id},
        resource_type => $params->{resource_type},

    my $credentials = encode_base64( $self->app_id . ':' . $self->app_secret );
    $credentials    =~ s/\s//g;

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent( $self->user_agent );

    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
        POST => join( '/',$self->base_url . $self->api_path,'confirm' )

    $req->header( 'Authorization' => "Basic $credentials" );
    $req->header( 'Accept' => 'application/json' );

    $req->content_type( 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );
    $req->content( $self->normalize_params( $data ) );

    my $res = $ua->request( $req );

    if ( $res->is_success ) {
        my $class_suffix = ucfirst( $params->{resource_type} );
        $class_suffix    =~ s/_([A-z])/uc($1)/ge;
        my $class = "Business::GoCardless::$class_suffix";
        my $obj   = $class->new(
            client => $self,
            id     => $params->{resource_id}
        return $obj->find_with_client;
    else {
            message  => $res->content,
            code     => $res->code,
            response => $res->status_line,

=head1 METHODS


Make a request to the gocardless API:

    my $data = $Client->api_get( '/merchants/123ABCD/bills',\%params );

In list context returns the links and pagination headers:

    my ( $data,$links,$info ) = $Client->api_get( ... );


sub api_get {
    my ( $self,$path,$params ) = @_;
    return $self->_api_request( 'GET',$path,$params );

sub api_post {
    my ( $self,$path,$params ) = @_;
    return $self->_api_request( 'POST',$path,$params );

sub api_put {
    my ( $self,$path,$params ) = @_;
    return $self->_api_request( 'PUT',$path,$params );

sub _api_request {
    my ( $self,$method,$path,$params ) = @_;

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