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        unlink $filename or warn "couldn't delete message file $filename : $!";
    return $ok;

=head2 post_fetch_action($message)

Given a Message object, executes the configured post-fetch action. Returns a
boolean indicating success.


sub post_fetch_action {
    my ($self, $message) = @_;
    my $method = $self->_post_fetch_action;
    my $ok = 1;
    # check for dry-run option
    if ($self->config->{dry_run}) {
        warn "dry run so not running $method action on fetched mail";
        return 1;
    if ($method) {
        $ok = $self->$method($message->id);
    return $ok;


sub _build_client {
    my $self = shift;
    my $classname = 'App::wsgetmail::' . $self->client_class;
    load $classname;
    my $config = clone $self->config;
    $config->{post_fetch_action} = $self->_post_fetch_action;
    return $classname->new($config);

sub _build_mda {
    my $self = shift;
    my $config = clone $self->config;
    if ( defined $self->config->{username}) {
        $config->{recipient} //= $self->config->{username};
    return App::wsgetmail::MDA->new($config);


=head2 Configuring Microsoft 365 Client Access

To use wsgetmail, first you need to set up the app in Microsoft 365.
Two authentication methods are supported:


=item Client Credentials

This method uses shared secrets and is preferred by Microsoft.
(See L<Client credentials|>)

=item Username/password

This method is more like previous connections via IMAP. It is currently
supported by Microsoft, but not recommended. (See L<Username/password|>)


This section walks you through each piece of configuration wsgetmail needs,
and how to obtain it.

=over 4

=item tenant_id

wsgetmail authenticates to an Azure Active Directory (AD) tenant. This
tenant is identified by an identifier that looks like a UUID/GUID: it should
be mostly alphanumeric, with dividing dashes in the same places as shown in
the example configuration above. Microsoft documents how to find your tenant
ID, and create a tenant if needed, in the L<"Set up a tenant"
quickstart|>. Save
this as the C<tenant_id> string in your wsgetmail configuration file.

=item client_id

You need to register wsgetmail as an application in your Azure Active
Directory tenant. Microsoft documents how to do this in the L<"Register an
application with the Microsoft identity platform"
under the section "Register an application." When asked who can use this
application, you can leave that at the default "Accounts in this
organizational directory only (Single tenant)."

After you successfully register the wsgetmail application, its information
page in your Azure account will display an "Application (client) ID" in the
same UUID/GUID format as your tenant ID. Save this as the C<client_id>
string in your configuration file.

After that is done, you need to grant wsgetmail permission to access the
Microsoft Graph mail APIs. Microsoft documents how to do this in the
L<"Configure a client application to access a web API"
under the section "Add permissions to access Microsoft Graph." When selecting
the type of permissions, select "Application permissions." When prompted to
select permissions, select all of the following:

=over 4

=item * Mail.Read

=item * Mail.Read.Shared

=item * Mail.ReadWrite

=item * Mail.ReadWrite.Shared

=item * openid

=item * User.Read

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