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lib/App/ZofCMS/Plugin/  view on Meta::CPAN

    user_ref => sub {
        my ( $user_ref, $template ) = @_;
        $template->{d}{plug_login_user} = $user_ref;

B<Optional>. Takes a subref as an argument. When specified the subref will be called and
its C<@_> will contain the following: C<$user_ref>, C<$template_ref>, C<$query_ref>,
C<$config_obj>, where C<$user_ref> will be either C<undef> (e.g. when user is not logged on)
or will contain an arrayref with user data pulled from the SQL table, i.e. an arrayref
with all the columns in a table that correspond to the currently logged in user.
The C<$template_ref> is
the reference to your ZofCMS template, C<$query_ref> is the reference to a query hashref as
is returned from L<CGI>'s C<Vars()> call. Finally, C<$config_obj> is the L<App::ZofCMS::Config>
object. Basically you'd use C<user_ref> to stick user's data into your ZofCMS template for
later processing, e.g. displaying parts of it or making it accessible to other plugins.
B<Defaults to:> (will stick user data into C<{d}{plug_login_user}> in ZofCMS template)

    user_ref    => sub {
        my ( $user_ref, $template ) = @_;
        $template->{d}{plug_login_user} = $user_ref;

=head2 C<login_page>

    login_page => '/login',

    login_page => qr|^/log(?:in)?|i;

B<Optional>. Specifies what page is a page with a login form. The check will
be done against a "page" that is constructed by C<$query{dir} . $query{page}>
(the C<dir> and C<page> are discussed in ZofCMS's core documentation).
The value for the C<login_page> key can be either a string or a regex.
B<Note:> the access is B<NOT> restricted to pages matching C<login_page>.
B<Defaults to:> C</login>

=head2 C<redirect_on_restricted>

    redirect_on_restricted => '/uri',

B<Optional>. Specifies the URI to which to redirect if access to the page
is denied, e.g. if user does not have an appropriate role or is not logged
in. B<Defaults to:> C</>

=head2 C<redirect_on_login>

    redirect_on_login  => '/uri',

B<Optional>. Specifies the URI to which to redirect after user successfully
logged in. B<By default> is not specified.

=head2 C<smart_deny>

    smart_deny => 'login_redirect_page',

B<Optional>. Takes a scalar as a value that represents a query parameter
name into which to store the URI of the page that not-logged-in  user
attempted to access. This option works only when C<redirect_on_login> is
specified. When specified, plugin enables the magic to "remember" the page
that a not-logged-in user tried to access, and once the user enters correct
login credentials, he is redirected to said page automatically; thereby
making the login process transparent. B<By default> is not specified.

=head2 C<preserve_login>

    preserve_login => 'my_site_login',

B<Optional>. Takes a scalar that represents the name of a cookie
as a value. When specified, the plugin will automatically
(via the cookie, name of which you specify here) remember, and fill
out, the username from last successfull login. This option only works
when C<no_cookies> is set to a false value (that's the default).
B<By default> is not specified

=head2 C<login_button>

    login_button => '<input type="submit"
            class="input_submit" value="Login">',

B<Optional>. Takes HTML code for the login button, though, feel free to
use it as an insertion point for any extra code you might want in your
login form. B<Defaults to:>
C<< <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Login"> >>

=head2 C<logout_button>

    logout_button => '<input type="submit"
        class="input_submit" value="Logout">'

B<Optional>. Takes HTML code for the logout button, though, feel free to
use it as an insertion point for any extra code you might want in your
logout form. B<Defaults to:>
C<< <input type="submit" class="input_submit" value="Logout"> >>

=head2 C<redirect_on_logout>

    redirect_on_logout => '/uri',

B<Optional>. Specifies the URI to which to redirect the user after he or
she logged out.

=head2 C<restricted>

    restricted => [
        qw(/foo /bar /baz),
        { page => '/admin', role => 'admin' },
        { page => qr|^/customers/|, role => 'customer' },

B<Optional> but doesn't make sense to not specify this one.
B<By default> is not specified. Takes an arrayref
as a value. Elements of this arrayref can be as follows:

=head3 a string

    restricted => [ qw(/foo /bar) ],

Elements that are plain strings represent direct pages ( page is made out of
$query{dir} . $query{page} ). The example above will restrict access
only to pages C<> and

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