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lib/App/PM/Website/Command/  view on Meta::CPAN

        my $ua = $webdav->get_user_agent;
        if ( $ua->can('ssl_opts') )
            $ua->ssl_opts(SSL_ca_file => $opt->{certificate});
            warn "Old version of LWP::UserAgent doesn't support ssl_opts"
    my %webdav_credentials = (
        -user  => $opt->{username},
        -pass  => $opt->{password},
        -url   => $opt->{url},
        -realm => "",
    print Dumper { credentials => \%webdav_credentials };
    $webdav->open( -url => $opt->{url} )
        or die sprintf( "failed to open url [%s] : %s\n",
        $opt->{url}, $webdav->message() );

    my %put_options = (
        -local => "$opt->{build_dir}/$opt->{filename}",
        -url   => $opt->{url},
    print Dumper { put_options => \%put_options };
    my $success = $opt->{dry_run} ? 1 : $webdav->put(%put_options);

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( run in 0.880 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )