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lib/App/PAIA/  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $token = $self->token // return "missing access token";

    return "access token expired" if $self->expired;

    if ($scope and $self->scope and !$self->has_scope($scope)) {
        return "current scope '{$self->scope}' does not include $scope!\n";


sub has_scope {
    my ($self, $scope) = @_;
    my $has_scope = $self->scope // '';
    return index($has_scope, $scope) != -1;

sub request {
    my ($self, $method, $url, $param) = @_;

    my %headers;
    if ($url !~ /login$/) {
        my $token = $self->token // die "missing access_token - login required\n";
        $headers{Authorization} = "Bearer $token";

    my ($response, $json) = $self->agent->request( $method, $url, $param, %headers );

    # handle request errors
    if (ref $json and defined $json->{error}) {
        my $msg = $json->{error};
        if (defined $json->{error_description}) {
            $msg .= ': '.$json->{error_description};
        die "$msg\n";

    if ($response->{status} ne '200') {
        my $msg = $response->{content} // 'HTTP request failed: '.$response->{status};
        die "$msg\n";

    if (my $scopes = $response->{headers}->{'x-oauth-scopes'}) {
        $self->session->set( scope => $scopes );

    return $json;

sub login {
    my ($self, $scope) = @_;

    if ($self->session->purge) {
        $self->logger->("deleted session file");

    my $auth = $self->auth or $self->usage_error("missing PAIA auth server URL");

    # take credentials from command line or config file only
    my %params = (
        username   => $self->username,
        password   => $self->password,
        grant_type => 'password',

    if (defined $scope) {
        $scope =~ s/,/ /g;
        $params{scope} = $scope;

    my $response = $self->request( "POST", "$auth/login", \%params );

    $self->{$_} = $response->{$_} for qw(expires_in access_token token_type patron scope);

    $self->session->set( $_, $response->{$_} ) for qw(access_token patron scope);
    $self->session->set( expires_at => time + $response->{expires_in} );
    $self->session->set( auth => $auth );
    $self->session->set( core => $self->core ) if defined $self->core;

    return $response;

our %required_scopes = (
    patron  => 'read_patron',
    items   => 'read_items',
    request => 'write_items',
    renew   => 'write_items',
    cancel  => 'write_items',
    fees    => 'read_fees',
    change  => 'change_password',

sub auto_login_for {
    my ($self, $command) = @_;

    my $scope = $required_scopes{$command};

    if ( $self->not_authentificated($scope) ) {
        # add to existing scopes (TODO: only if wanted)
        my $new_scope = join ' ', split(' ',$self->scope // ''), $scope;
        $self->logger->("auto-login with scope '$new_scope'");
        $self->login( $new_scope );
        if ( $self->scope and !$self->has_scope($scope) ) {
            die "current scope '{$self->scope}' does not include $scope!\n";

sub store_session {
    my ($self) = @_;


        if defined $self->session->get('access_token');

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