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lib/App/MFILE/WWW/  view on Meta::CPAN

defined by L<Web::Machine::Resource>.

This module is only used in standalone mode. In derived distribution mode, the
application's dispatch module will be used, instead.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 process_post

In the standalone demo-application mode, POST requests are used to handle
login/logout requests generated by login-dialog.js.

Login requests look like this:

    { method: "LOGIN", path: "login", body: { nam: "foo", pwd: "bar" } }

and logout requests like this:

    { method: "LOGIN", path: "logout" }

In derived-distro mode, POST requests are also used to implement AJAX calls. See
the C<process_post> function in C<App::Dochazka::WWW::Dispatch> for a real 


sub process_post {
    my $self = shift;
    $log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::process_post()" );

    my $r = $self->request;
    my $session = $r->{'env'}->{'psgix.session'};
    my $ajax = $self->context->{'request_body'};  # request body (Perl string)

    if ( ! $ajax ) {
        $log->crit( 'POST request received, but without a body' );
        return 0;

    my $method = $ajax->{'method'};
    my $path = $ajax->{'path'};
    my $body = $ajax->{'body'} || {};

    $log->debug( "process_post: method $method, path $path, body " . Dumper $body );

    if ( ! $method or ! $path or ! $body ) {
        $log->crit( 'POST request received, but missing mandatory attribute(s) - ' .
                    'here is the entire request body: ' . Dumper( $ajax ) );
        return 0;

    # POST is used only for login/logout ATM
    if ( $method =~ m/^LOGIN/i ) {
        $log->debug( "Incoming login/logout attempt" );
        if ( $path =~ m/^login/i ) {
            return $self->validate_user_credentials( $body );
        } else {
            return $self->_logout( $body );

    $log->crit( "Asked to perform an AJAX call, but feature is not implemented!" );
    return 0;

=head2 validate_user_credentials

Called from C<process_post> to process login requests (special AJAX requests)
originating from the JavaScript side (i.e. the login screen in
login-dialog.js, via login.js).

Returns a status object - OK means the login was successful; all other statuses
mean unsuccessful.


sub validate_user_credentials {
    my ( $self, $body ) = @_;
    $log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::validate_user_credentials()" );

    my $r = $self->request;
    my $session = $r->{'env'}->{'psgix.session'};
    my $nick = $body->{'nam'};
    my $password = $body->{'pwd'};
    my $standalone = $meta->META_WWW_STANDALONE_MODE;

    $log->debug( "Employee $nick login attempt" );

    my ( $code, $message, $body_json );
    if ( $standalone ) {
        # check nam and pwd against MFILE_WWW_STANDALONE_CREDENTIALS_DATABASE
        $code = 401;
        $message = 'Unauthorized';
        for my $entry (@$db) {
            if ( $nick eq $entry->{'nam'} ) {
                if ( $password eq $entry->{'pwd'} ) {
                    $code = 200;
                    $message = 'OK';
                    $body_json = { payload => 
                            emp => { nick => $nick, eid => $entry->{'eid'} },
                            priv => $entry->{'priv'} 
    } else {
        $log->crit( "Not running in standalone mode" );
        return $CELL->status_not_ok();

    my $status = $self->login_status( $code, $message, $body_json );
    $log->debug( "login_status() returned" . Dumper( $status ) );
    return $status;

=head2 _logout

Called from C<process_post> to process logout requests (special AJAX requests)
originating from the JavaScript side.


sub _logout {
    my ( $self, $body ) = @_;
    $log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::_logout()" );
    $self->request->{'env'}->{'psgix.session'} = {};
    $self->response->header( 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' );
    $self->response->body( to_json( $CELL->status_ok( 'MFILE_WWW_LOGOUT_OK' )->expurgate ) );
    return 1;


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