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lookup_method specifies how fetchware determines what version of your program
to install. The default is the 'timestamp' algorithm, and then to try the
'versionstring' algorithm if 'timestamp' fails. lookup_method specifies which
one you would like to use. Only the strings 'timestamp' and 'versionstring'
are allowed options.
            gpg_keys_url => <<EOA,
gpg_keys_url specifies the url that fetchware will use to download the author's
KEYS file that it uses for gpg verification.
            gpg_sig_url => <<EOA,
gpg_sig_url specifies the url that fetchware uses to download digital
signatures of this program. They're files that usually end .asc.
            sha1_url => <<EOA,
sha1_url specfies the url that fetchware uses to download sha1sum files of
this program. This url should be the program's main download site instead of a
mirror, because a hacked mirror could alter the sha1sum on that mirror.
            md5_url => <<EOA,
md5_url specfies the url that fetchware uses to download md5sum files of
this program. This url should be the program's main download site instead of a
mirror, because a hacked mirror could alter the md5sum on that mirror.
            verify_method => <<EOA,
verify_method specifes a specific method that fetchware should use to verify
your program. This method can be 'gpg', 'sha1', or 'md5'.
            no_install => <<EOA,
no_install specifies that this software should not be installed. Instead, the
install step is skipped, and fetchware prints to STDOUT where it downloaded,
verified, and built your program. no_install must be a true or false value.
            verify_failure_ok => <<EOA,
verify_failure_ok specifies that fetchware should not stop installing your
software and terminate with an error message if fetchware fails to verify your
software. You should never set this to true. Doing so could cause fetchware to
install software that may have been compromised, or had malware inserted into
it. Never use this option unless the author or maintainer of this program does
not gpg sign or checksum his software.
            user_keyring => <<EOA,
users_keyring if enabled causes fetchware to use the user's own gpg keyring
instead of fetchware's own keyring.
            mirror => <<EOA
The mirror configuration option provides fetchware with alternate servers to
try to download this program from. This option is used when the server
specified in the url options in this file is unavailable or times out.
    ###INSANEFEATUREENHANCEMENT### Prompt for name of program, and do a fuzzy 
    #search on CPAN for that program under
    #App::Fetchware::FetchwarefileX::UpCasedProgName. Consider using the meta
    #CPAN API. And if it exists ask user if they wanna use that one instead of
    #autogening one.
    #Perhaps create a 'fetchwarefile' command to download and look at
    #fetchwarefiles from CPAN, and then install them, and/or perhaps upload
    #them pausing to ask for the user's PAUSE credentials!!!!!!!!!


    my $opening_message = <<EOM;
Fetchware's new command is reasonably sophisticated, and is smart enough to
determine based on the lookup_url you provide if it can autogenerate a
Fetchwarefile for you. If Fetchware cannot, then it will ask you more
questions regarding the information it requires to be able to build a
installable fetchware package for you. After that, fetchware will ask you if
you would like to edit the Fetchwarefile, fetchware has created for you in an
editor. If you say yes, fetchware will open a editor for you, but if you say
no, fetchware will skip the custom editing. Next, fetchware will create a test
Fetchwarefile for you, and ask you if you would like to test it by trying to
install it now. If you say yes, fetchware will install it, and if you say no,
then fetchware will print the location of the Fetchwarefile it created for
you to later use to install your application.


    # Ask user for name of program unless the user provided one at command
    # line such as fetchware new <programname>.
    $program_name = fetchwarefile_name(program => $program_name);
    vmsg "Determined name of your program to be [$program_name]";

    $fetchwarefile->config_options(program => $program_name);
    vmsg "Appended program [$program_name] configuration option to Fetchwarefile";

    my $lookup_url = get_lookup_url($term);
    vmsg "Asked user for lookup_url [$lookup_url] from user.";

    $fetchwarefile->config_options(lookup_url => $lookup_url);
    vmsg "Appended lookup_url [$lookup_url] configuration option to Fetchwarefile";

    vmsg "Downloaded lookup_url [$lookup_url]";
    my $filename_listing = download_lookup_url($term, $lookup_url);
    vmsg "Downloaded lookup_url's directory listing";
    vmsg Dumper($filename_listing);

    my $mirrors_hashref = get_mirrors($term, $filename_listing);
    vmsg "Added mirrors to your Fetchwarefile.";
    vmsg Dumper($mirrors_hashref);

    my $verify_hashref = get_verification($term, $filename_listing, $lookup_url);
    vmsg "Added verification settings to Fetchwarefile.";
    vmsg Dumper($verify_hashref);

    my $filter_hashref = get_filter_option($term, $filename_listing);
    vmsg "Added [$filter_hashref->{filter}] filter setting to Fetchwarefile.";


    ###BUGALERT### Ask to parrallelize make with make_options???
    ###BUGALERT### Verify prefix is writable by current user, who will

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( run in 1.017 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )