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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

- script: dochazka-www: fix option pass-through to mfile-www
- ext: add MFILE_WWW_DISPLAY_SESSION_DATA to config example
- js: int-lib: fix undefined variable in log messages
- js: dform-init: improve data entry hint
- Dispatch: fix login bypass
- Some progress on create interval "last plus offset" and non-interactive async
  dform population features
- js: display supervisor nick in employee profile

0.155 2017-10-20 22:43 CEST
- Dispatch: rename _login_dialog method to validate_user_credentials
- js: daction-init: fix pushable flag in one of the actions
- js: act-lib: use populate pattern for populateActivitiesCache
- js: implement employee profile caching
- js: upon successful masquerade, load full employee profile into cache
- js: move all cache-related code into a new caches.js module
- js: implement populateSchedIntvlsForDate() and populateSIDByDate()

0.156 2017-10-21 12:03 CEST
- build/ops: require App::MFILE::WWW 0.164
- js: fix ACL on schedule lookup/display

ext/  view on Meta::CPAN


#     If you are the only one using Dochazka at your site, you can bypass
#     the login dialog using this parameter and the next one. Obviously, 
#     doing so is in violation of every security rule known to man.

#     If the login dialog is bypassed, App::Dochazka::WWW will attempt to 
#     log the user in with these credentials. Putting passwords in
#     configuration files is extremely foolish and should never be done.
    'nam' => 'root',
    'pwd' => 'immutable'
} );

#     controls whether session data will be displayed on all screens

lib/App/Dochazka/WWW/  view on Meta::CPAN

    if ( ! $method or ! $path or ! $body ) {
        $log->crit( 'POST request received, but missing mandatory attribute(s) - ' .
                    'here is the entire request body: ' . Dumper( $ajax ) );
        return 0;

    # two possibilities: login/logout attempt or normal AJAX call
    if ( $method =~ m/^LOGIN/i ) {
        $log->debug( "Incoming login/logout attempt" );
        if ( $path =~ m/^login/i ) {
            return $self->validate_user_credentials( $body );
        } else {
            return $self->_logout( $body );

    # - normal AJAX call
    $log->debug( "Calling rest_req $method $path on session ID " . $self->session_id );
    $session->{'last_seen'} = time;
    my $rr = $self->rest_req( {
        server => $site->DOCHAZKA_WWW_BACKEND_URI,
        method => $method,
        path => $path,
        req_body => $body,
    } );
    $log->debug( "rest_req returned: " . Dumper( $rr ) );
    my $hr = $rr->{'hr'};
    return $self->_prep_ajax_response( $hr, $rr->{'body'} );

=head2 validate_user_credentials

Called either from C<process_post> on login AJAX requests originating from the
JavaScript side (i.e. the login screen in login-dialog.js, via login.js), or
directly from C<is_authorized> if the MFILE_WWW_BYPASS_LOGIN_DIALOG mechanism
is activated.

Returns a status object - OK means the login was successful; all other statuses
mean unsuccessful.


sub validate_user_credentials {
    my ( $self, $body ) = @_;
    $log->debug( "Entering " . __PACKAGE__ . "::validate_user_credentials()" );

    my $r = $self->request;
    my $session = $self->session;
    my $nick = $body->{'nam'};
    my $password = $body->{'pwd'};
    my $standalone = $meta->META_WWW_STANDALONE_MODE;

    $log->debug( "Employee $nick login attempt" );
    $log->debug( "DOCHAZKA_WWW_BACKEND_URI is " .  $site->DOCHAZKA_WWW_BACKEND_URI );

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