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   all requests to another host name' under 'Static Web Hosting'.

3. Under properties for '', choose 'enable website hosting' under
   'Static Web Hosting', and set 'Index Document' to 'index.html'.

4. Install [s3cmd]( On Mac OSX, using
   [Homebrew](, install like this:

       $ pip install s3cmd

5. Configure `s3cmd` with your Amazon credentials (AWS access key, secret

       $ s3cmd --configure

6. Now any time you want to rebuild your content and push it to s3, it's a
   simple call to:

       $ s3cmd sync _output/ s3:// --reduced-redundancy --acl-public --delete-removed

    A few notes about the options. First, `--reduced-redundancy` tells

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( run in 0.803 second using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-2c419f77a38b )