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lib/App/CamelPKI/Model/  view on Meta::CPAN

initialization code may call it.  By default (eg in tests),
B<App::CamelPKI::Model::CA> uses fake brands (see


    my ($cabrand, $cadbbrand) =
        map { App::CamelPKI::RestrictedClassMethod->fake_grab($_) }
            qw(App::CamelPKI::CA App::CamelPKI::CADB);
    sub set_brands : Restricted {
        (undef, $cabrand, $cadbbrand) = @_;

    sub _invoke_on_CA   { $cabrand->invoke(@_) }
    sub _invoke_on_CADB { $cadbbrand->invoke(@_) }

=head2 instance

Verify this CA has already undergone its Key Ceremony, or else throw an
exception; then create and returns an App::CamelPKI::CA instance which has
all privileges and represents the (unique) Operational CA installed on
this host.

Note that I<instance> is B<not> idempotent, and returns different
instances at each invocation. Were it not the case, constructors could
construct a covert channel using the shared instance, which is
mutable, and so a malicious controller could hide some information for
constructors that will later run in the same UNIX process.


sub instance {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $ca = $self->_make_ca;
    unless ($ca->is_operational) {
        throw App::CamelPKI::Error::State(<<"MESSAGE");
The AC is not operational, please run
    return $ca;

=head2 db_dir()

Returns the directory where are stored the App-PKI Certificate
Authority informations (certification chain, certificate, private
keys and AC database).


sub db_dir { shift->{db_dir} }

=head2 do_ceremony($privdir, $webserver)

Runs the B<Key Ceremony> for the Camel-PKI Certificate Authority. The
Operational CA and Root CA certificates are recorded in the private
directory configured with the I<db_dir> key (see L</CONFIGURATION>).
The Root CA certificate and key, and the administrator credentials are
written into $privdir, under the respective names C<ca0.key>,
C<ca0.crt>, C<admin.key> and C<admin.pem>. Last but not least, the Web
server certificate and key are installed in $webserver, an
L<App::CamelPKI::SysV::Apache> instance.


sub do_ceremony {
    use File::Slurp;
    use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
    use App::CamelPKI::CertTemplate::CA;
    use App::CamelPKI::CertTemplate::PKI;
    use Sys::Hostname ();

    my ($self, $privdir, $webserver) = @_;

    throw App::CamelPKI::Error::Internal("INCORRECT_ARGS")
        unless (-d $privdir);

    # REFACTORME: use a complete App::CamelPKI::CA instance for the
    # Root CA
    my $privKeyCA0 = App::CamelPKI::PrivateKey->genrsa($self->{keysize});
    write_file(catfile($privdir, "ca0.key"),
               $privKeyCA0->serialize(-format => "PEM"));
    $privKeyCA0 = $privKeyCA0->as_crypt_openssl_ca_privatekey;
    my $certCA0 = Crypt::OpenSSL::CA::X509->new
    my $pemCA0 = $certCA0->sign($privKeyCA0,"sha256");
    write_file(catfile($privdir, "ca0.crt"), $pemCA0);
    write_file($self->_root_ca_cert_path, $pemCA0);

    my $privKeyCA1 = App::CamelPKI::PrivateKey->genrsa($self->{keysize});
    my $certCA1 = Crypt::OpenSSL::CA::X509->new
    App::CamelPKI::CertTemplate::CA1->prepare_certificate($certCA0, $certCA1);
    $certCA1->set_serial("0x2"); # RFC3280 § forbids zero
    my $pemCA1 = $certCA1->sign($privKeyCA0, "sha256");

    my $CA0 = App::CamelPKI::Certificate->parse($pemCA0);
    my $CA1 = App::CamelPKI::Certificate->parse($pemCA1);

    my $ca = $self->_make_ca;
    $ca->set_keys (-certificate => $CA1, -key =>  $privKeyCA1);

    my $webserverkey = App::CamelPKI::PrivateKey->genrsa($self->{keysize});
    my $web_dns = exists($self->{dns_webserver}) ? 
    	 $self->{dns_webserver} : "undef";
        ("App::CamelPKI::CertTemplate::PKI1", $webserverkey->get_public_key,
         dns => $web_dns);
    my ($webservercert) = $ca->commit;
        (-certificate => $webservercert,
         -key => $webserverkey,
         -certification_chain => [ $CA1, $CA0 ]);

    my ($admincert, $adminkey) = $self->make_admin_credentials;
    write_file(catfile($privdir, "admin.pem"), $admincert->serialize);
    write_file(catfile($privdir, "admin.key"), $adminkey->serialize);

    return $self;

=head2 make_admin_credentials

Regenerate an initial administrator certificate and private key, and
returns a pair ($cert, $key) which are respectively
L<App::CamelPKI::Certificate> and L<App::CamelPKI::PrivateKey> instances. Old
administrator certificates are revoked.


sub make_admin_credentials {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $ca = $self->instance;
    my $adminkey = App::CamelPKI::PrivateKey->genrsa($self->{keysize});
    my $admintemplate = "App::CamelPKI::CertTemplate::PKI2";
    $ca->issue($admintemplate, $adminkey->get_public_key);
    $ca->revoke($admintemplate, $_)
        for $ca->database->search(template => $admintemplate);
    my ($admincert) = $ca->commit;
    return ($admincert, $adminkey);

=head2 certification_chain

Returns an L<App::CamelPKI::Certificate> objects list which represents
certificates that have been signed by this Certificate Authority, excluding
this CA certificate itself (which is accessible using
Returns an empty list for an autosigned Certicate Authority.


sub certification_chain {
    my ($self) = @_;
    return App::CamelPKI::Certificate->load($self->_root_ca_cert_path);

=head1 FACETS

=head2 facet_readonly

=head2 facet_crl_only

=head2 facet_certtemplate($template)

=head2 facet_operational

These methods create and return a new I<App::CamelPKI::Model::CA>
object with restricted rights, using the following way:


=item L</do_ceremony>

This method is made inaccessible in all facets.

=item L</instance>

The underlying I<App::CamelPKI::CA> instance returned is restricted in
exactly the same ways as the facet of the same name in



foreach my $method (qw(facet_readonly facet_crl_only facet_certtemplate
                       facet_operational)) {
    no strict "refs";
    *{$method} = sub {

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