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lib/App/AutoCRUD/  view on Meta::CPAN

Copy of the configuration tree (see L<App::AutoCRUD::ConfigDomain>)
for this specific datasource.

=head2 dbh

L<DBI> database handle, which encapsulates the connection to the
database.  The dbh is created on demand, from connection parameters or
from a coderef specified in the configuration tree (see
L<App::AutoCRUD::ConfigDomain/dbh>); alternatively, it
can also be supplied from the calling program, or grabbed from the
schema. Once created, the dbh is readonly and cannot be changed (even
if the schema itself was bound to another dbh by a remote module -- the
dbh will be forced again before processing the HTTP request).

=head2 schema

An instance or a subclass of L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema>.
Usually this is loaded from parameters specified in the configuration tree;
if such parameters are absent, the fallback behavior is to generate
a class on the fly, using L<DBIx::DataModel::Schema::Generator>.

=head2 query_parser

An instance of L<SQL::Abstract::FromQuery>, for parsing the content
of search forms.

=head2 tablegroups

Information about tables in that datasource. This is an ordered list
of I<tablegroups>, where each tablegroup is a hashref with a B<name>,
a B<descr> (description), and an ordered list of I<tables>.
Each table in that list contains information as returned by
the L<DBI/table_info> method, plus an additional B<descr> field.

The tablegroups structure comes from the configuration data. If tables
are found in the database, but not mentioned in the configuration, they are
automatically inserted into a group called "Unclassified".

=head1 METHODS

=head2 config

  my $data = $datasource->config(@path);

Returns the config subtree at location C<@path> under this datasource.

=head2 descr

Returns the description string for this datasource, as specified in config.

=head2 prepare_for_request


Called from L<App::AutoCRUD/call> before serving
a request. This is a hook for subclasses to provide application-specific
behaviour if needed (like for example resetting the database connection
or supplying user credentials from the HTTP request).
The argument C<$req> is an instance of L<Plack::Request>.

=head2 primary_key

Proxy method to L<DBIx::DataModel::Meta::Source/primary_key>.

=head2 colgroups

  my $colgroups = $datasource->colgroups($table_name);

Returns an arrayref of I<column groups>, as specified in config (or guessed
from the database meta-information, if the config says nothing).

Each column group is a hashref with keys C<name> (containing a string)
and C<columns> (containing an arrayref of I<columns>).

Each column is a hashref as returned from L<DBI/column_info>, i.e. containing
In addition, some other keys are inserted into this hashref : 


=item is_pkey

Boolean indicating that this column is part of the primary key

=item paths

An arrayref of I<paths> to other tables. Each path is a hashref with
keys C<name> (name of this path), C<to_table> (name of the associated table),
C<foreign_key> (name of the associated column in the remote table).


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