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lib/Apache2/reCaptcha.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

package Apache2::reCaptcha;
use Apache2::AuthTicket;
@ISA = ("Apache2::AuthTicket");
use vars qw(%DEFAULTS %CONFIG);

use Captcha::reCAPTCHA;
use CGI;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Apache2::Const qw(REDIRECT OK);
use constant DEBUGGING => 0;

our $VERSION = '0.02';

my $_SESS_NAME='reCaptchaID';

sub make_login_screen {
    my ($self, $r, $action, $destination) = @_;

    if (DEBUGGING) {
        # log what we think is wrong.
        my $reason = $r->prev->subprocess_env("AuthCookieReason");
        $r->log_error("REASON FOR AUTH NEEDED: $reason");
        $reason = $r->prev->subprocess_env("AuthTicketReason");
        $r->log_error("AUTHTICKET REASON: $reason");


    my $c = Captcha::reCAPTCHA->new;
    my $recaptcha_public_key = $self->get_conf($r, 'PublicKey');
    my $header_template = $self->read_file($r, $self->get_conf($r, 'HeaderTemplate'));
    my $footer_template = $self->read_file($r, $self->get_conf($r, 'FooterTemplate'));

    my $cap_str =  $c->get_html( $recaptcha_public_key );
    my $bdy = <<END;
	<form method="post" action="$action">
	<input type="hidden" name="destination" value="$destination">
	<input type="submit" value="Verify Me">
	<EM>Note: </EM>
	Set your browser to accept cookies in order for login to succeed.
	You will be asked to do this again after some period of time.

    $r->print($header_template . $bdy . $footer_template);

    return OK;

# check credentials and return a session key if valid
# return undef if invalid
sub authen_cred {
    my ($class, $r, @cred) = @_;

    my $this = $class->new($r);
    my $query = new CGI;

    my $response = $query->param('recaptcha_response_field');
    my $challenge = $query->param('recaptcha_challenge_field');

    my $c = Captcha::reCAPTCHA->new;
    my $privatekey = $this->get_conf($r, 'PrivateKey');
    my $result = $c->check_answer( $privatekey, $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}, $challenge, $response);
    if ($result->{is_valid}) {
         $r->log_error("reCaptcha Is good");
        return $this->make_ticket($r, 'recaptcha');
    else {
         $r->log_error("reCaptcha is Bad");
        return undef;

sub get_conf{
    my ($self, $r, $f ) = @_;
    my $auth_name = $r->auth_name;
    return($r->dir_config("${auth_name}$f") ||
                          $CONFIG{$auth_name}->{$f} ||

sub read_file{
    my ($self, $r, $f ) = @_;
    my $cnts;
    open F, "< $f" or $r->log_error("Can't open $f : $!");
       $cnts .= $_;
    close F;
    return $cnts;



=head1 NAME

Apache2::reCaptcha - reCaptcha based auth system using cookies.


 # reCaptcha.conf
 PerlModule Apache2::reCaptcha
 PerlSetVar reCaptchaTicketDB DBI:mysql:database=sessions;host=mysql.example.com
 PerlSetVar reCaptchaTicketDBUser session
 PerlSetVar reCaptchaTicketDBPassword supersecret password
 PerlSetVar reCaptchaTicketTable tickets:ticket_hash:ts

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