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AuthenNTLM.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

use IPC::Semaphore;

sub lock
    my $class = shift ;
    my $key   = shift ;
    my $debug   = shift ;

    my $self = bless {debug => $debug}, $class ;
    $self->{sem} = new IPC::Semaphore($key, 1,
				      IPC_CREAT | S_IRWXU) or die "Cannot create semaphore with key $key ($!)" ;

    $self->{sem}->op(0, 0, SEM_UNDO,
                     0, 1, SEM_UNDO);
    print STDERR "[$$] AuthenNTLM: enter lock\n" if ($self -> {debug}) ;
    return $self ;

    my $self    = shift;

    $self->{sem}->op(0, -1, SEM_UNDO);
    print STDERR "[$$] AuthenNTLM: leave lock\n" if ($self -> {debug}) ;

1 ;


=head1 NAME

Apache2::AuthenNTLM - Perform Microsoft NTLM and Basic User Authentication


	<Location />
	PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenNTLM 
	AuthType ntlm,basic
	AuthName test
	require valid-user

	#                    domain             pdc                bdc
	PerlAddVar ntdomain "name_domain1   name_of_pdc1"
	PerlAddVar ntdomain "other_domain   pdc_for_domain    bdc_for_domain"

	PerlSetVar defaultdomain wingr1
        PerlSetVar splitdomainprefix 1
	PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 1


The purpose of this module is to perform a user authentication via Microsoft's
NTLM protocol. This protocol is supported by all versions of the Internet
Explorer and is mainly useful for intranets. Depending on your preferences
setting IE will supply your windows logon credentials to the web server
when the server asks for NTLM authentication. This saves the user to type in
his/her password again.

The NTLM protocol performs a challenge/response to exchange a random number
(nonce) and get back a md4 hash, which is built from the user's password
and the nonce. This makes sure that no password goes over the wire in plain text.

The main advantage of the Perl implementation is, that it can be easily extended
to verify the user/password against other sources than a windows domain controller.
The defaultf implementation is to go to the domain controller for the given domain 
and verify the user. If you want to verify the user against another source, you
can inherit from Apache2::AuthenNTLM and override it's methods.

To support users that aren't using Internet Explorer, Apache2::AuthenNTLM can
also perform basic authentication depending on its configuration.

B<IMPORTANT:> NTLM authentification works only when KeepAlive is on. (If you have set ntlmdebug 2, and see that there is no return message (type 3), check your httpd.conf file for "KeepAlive Off".  If KeepAlive Off, then change it to KeepAlive On, re...


=head2 AuthType 

Set the type of authentication. Can be either "basic", "ntlm"
or "ntlm,basic" for doing both.
=head2 AuthName

Set the realm for basic authentication

=head2 require valid-user

Necessary to tell Apache to require user authentication at all. Can also 
used to allow only some users, e.g.

  require user foo bar

Note that Apache2::AuthenNTLM does not perform any authorization, if
the require xxx is executed by Apache itself. Alternatively you can
use another (Perl-)module to perform authorization.

=head2 PerlAddVar ntdomain "domain pdc bdc"

This is used to create a mapping between a domain and both a pdc and bdc for
that domain. Domain, pdc and bdc must be separated by a space. You can
specify mappings for more than one domain.

the pdc and/or bdc.  Windows smb servers will not accept ip address in dotted
quad form.  For example, the SPEEVES domain pdc has an ip address of
If you enter the ntdomain as:

PerlAddVar ntdomain

Then you will never be able be able to authenticate to the remote server correctly,
and you will receive a "Can not get NONCE" error in the error_log.  You must 
specify it as:

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