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lib/Apache2/AuthCookieLDAP.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

Apache2::AuthCookie config (check L<Apache2::AuthCookie> documentation for the additional info)

    PerlSetVar MyAuthPath /
    PerlSetVar MyAuthLoginScript /
    PerlSetVar MyAuthLogoutURL
    PerlSetVar MyAuthSecure 1

To make "LogoutURL" working you can subsclass Apache2::ApacheCookieLDAP and provide it with:

    sub logout {
        my ( $self, $r ) = @_;
        my $logout_url = $r->dir_config( $r->auth_name . 'LogoutURL' );
        if ($logout_url) {
            $r->headers_out->set( Location => $logout_url );

        return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT;
Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP config

    PerlSetVar MyAuth_SecretKey OGheSWkT1ixd4V0DydSarLVevF77sSibMIoUaIYuQUqp2zvZIwbS4lyWhRTFUcHE
    PerlSetVar MyAuth_SessionLifetime 00-24-00-00
    PerlSetVar MyAuth_LDAPURI ldap://
    PerlSetVar MyAuth_Base uid=%USER%,ou=staff,dc=company,dc=com
    PerlSetVar MyAuth_BindDN cn=ldap,dc=company,dc=com
    PerlSetVar MyAuth_BindPW somepassword
    PerlSetVar MyAuth_Filter (uid=%USER%)

    <Directory /var/www/mysite/protected>
        AuthType Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP
        AuthName MyAuth
        PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP->authenticate
        PerlAuthzHandler Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP->authorize
        require valid-user

    <Location /login>
        SetHandler perl-script
        AuthType Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP
        AuthName MyAuth
        PerlResponseHandler MyAuthCookieLDAP->login

    <Location /logout>
        SetHandler perl-script
        AuthType Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP
        AuthName MyAuth
        PerlResponseHandler Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP->logout


This module acts as an authentication handler under Apache2 environment. 
It uses Apache2::AuthCookie as the base class and serves as a backend to 
provide user authentication against an LDAP server.

Make sure that you have got a reachable LDAP server and credentials to access it 
(ldapuri, base, binddn/bindpw or anonymous bind).

When there is an attempt to access a "protected" directory or location
that has 'require valid-user' option included Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP is used 
as the authentication and the authorization handler. It takes a pair of
provided username/password and tries to search the username in the LDAP directory 
(it also uses the filter MyAuth_Filter, for puropses where you want to restrict access
to the resource to only a specific group). If the user is found then it tries 
to bind with the provided username/password.  Once authorized a session key 
is generated by taking into account the provided username, authorization time 
and a hash generated by including a specific logic plus the user's IP address. 
Upon completion the session data is encrypted with the secret key (MyAuth_SecretKey) 
and the according cookie is generated by Apache2::AuthCookie.  
All the following requests to the protected resource take the cookie (if exists)
and the encrypted session key is validated (decrypted, the user is checked, 
the session time is checked for expiration and the hash is regenerated 
and compared with the provided one).
Upon success the user is authorized to access the protected resource.

Should you require any additional information how the cookies logic works 
please check L<Apache2::AuthCookie> documentation.


All the configuration directives as used in the following format:

    PerlSetVar "AuthName""DirectiveName"

So if your have:
    <Directory /var/www/mysite/protected>
        AuthType Apache2::AuthCookieLDAP
        AuthName WhateverAuthName

Then the directive name for you will be (for instance):

    PerlSetVar WhatEverAuthName_SecretKey

=over 4

=item C<MyAuth_SecretKey> 

Use your own secret key !!!DONT USE THE ONE FROM THE EXAMPLE!!!

=item C<MyAuth_SessionLifetime> [optional, default: 00-24-00-00]

Format is: days-hours-minutes-seconds or 'forever' for endless sessions

=item C<MyAuth_LDAPURI>

Your LDAP server URI

Format: ldap:// or ldap://myldaphost

Use ldaps:// for secure connections (if your LDAP server supports it)

=item C<MyAuth_Base> 

LDAP Base. Please note that '%USER%' macro is substituted in the request

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