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generic_reg_auth_scheme.txt  view on Meta::CPAN

	PerlSetVar AuthNameDBI_CryptType [ none, crypt, MD5 ] # default 'none'
	PerlSetVar AuthNameDBI_GroupsTable tablename # default 'groups'
	PerlSetVar AuthNameDBI_GroupField fieldname # default 'group'
	PerlSetVar AuthNameDBI_GroupUserField fieldname # default 'user'

	# dunno what this is.
	DefaultTarget  partial or full URL

You also need this to get people to log in (although I'm not exactly sure
why; I guess it's so that login() gets called, but why can't we check for
credentials and log them in at the same point that we redirect them off to
the login form?):

	<Location /LOGIN>
		AuthType Apache::AuthCookieDBI
		AuthName AuthName
		SetHandler perl-script
		PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieDBI->login

Save TARGET Check requirements Send page that is appropriate.

lib/Apache2/AuthCookieDBI.pm  view on Meta::CPAN


You can subclass this module to override public functions and change
their behaviour.


=head2 authen_cred($r, $user, $password, @extra_data)

Take the credentials for a user and check that they match; if so, return
a new session key for this user that can be stored in the cookie.
If there is a problem, return a bogus session key.

=head2 authen_ses_key($r, $encrypted_session_key)

Take a session key and check that it is still valid; if so, return the user.

=head2 decrypt_session_key($r, $encryptiontype, $encrypted_session_key, $secret_key)

Returns the decrypted session key or false on failure.

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