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     that can be compromised by reading a config file. 
   - INCOMPATIPLE NAME CHANGE: Changed AccessController to Apache::SiteControl.
     This makes more sense in the CPAN sense, and will help with installation
     and version checking. See README.UPGRADING_TO_1.0.

June 14, 2005: Version 0.46
   - Added encryption when saving passwords to session files. Adds a little
     security, but still needs to be better.

May 5, 2005: Version 0.42
   - Fixed bug in saving extra user credentials to session

May 1, 2005: Version 0.42
   - Changed name to Apache::SiteControl
   - Removed radius bugfix from 0.41...needs more debugging

May 1, 2005:
   - Fixed bug when passing extended credentials to check_credentials.

Apr 29, 2005: Version 0.41
   - Added the ability to pass extra "credentials" from the login page. This
     will allow you to choose alternatives (such as imap server for a webmail
     client, etc.)
   - Patched Radius.pm to include NAS IP

Apr 20, 2005: Version 0.41
   - Added ability to store password in user object. This is enabled with an
     Apache directive.
Mar 1, 2005: Version 0.3.1
   - Changed call to user factory so that all credentials are passed. This
     makes it possible to embed the password in the user object for things like
     pass-through logins.
   - New option to allow caching of passwords in the server side session (off
     by default for security reasons...see docs/apache)

June 7, 2004: Version 0.3
   - Now works with Apache 2/mod_perl 2 in Apache compat mode
   - Wrote sample sites for both apache 1 and 2.
   - Updated docs to reflect all the changes

docs/apache  view on Meta::CPAN

   - The auth name to use with apache for the set of auth parameters. See docs
     for apache.

RadiusAccessControllerHost: default localhost
   - If using radius, the name of the host that is running the radius server

RadiusAccessControllerSecret: default unknown
   - If using radius, the secret key that allows communication

SiteControlMethod: default SiteControl::Radius
   - The module that is used to verify credentials. See SiteControl::Radius for
     ideas on writing your own.

UserObjectSavePassword: default 0
   - Should the user's password be saved in the server side session file. This
     is necessary for webapps that must log into other servers as that user
     (i.e. imap).

UserObjectPasswordCipher: default CAST5
   - The cipher to use for encrypting the user passwords in the session files

lib/Apache/SiteControl.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

   my @cred = @_;     # Credentials from login form
   my $debug = $r->dir_config("SiteControlDebug") || 0;
   my $checker = $r->dir_config("SiteControlMethod") || "Apache::SiteControl::Radius";
   my $factory = $r->dir_config("SiteControlUserFactory") || "Apache::SiteControl::UserFactory";
   my $user = undef;
   my $ok;

   # Load the user authentication module
   eval "require $checker" or $r->log_error("Could not load $checker: $@");
   eval "require $factory" or $r->log_error("Could not load $factory: $@");
   eval '$ok = ' . ${checker} . '::check_credentials($r, @cred)' or $r->log_error("authentication error code: $@");

   if($ok) {
      eval('$user = ' . "$factory" . '->makeUser($r, @cred)');
      if($@) {
         $r->log_error("Error reported during call to ${factory}->makeUser: $@");

   return $user->{sessionid} if defined($user);

lib/Apache/SiteControl/Radius.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Authen::Radius;
#use Apache::Connection;
#use Apache::RequestRec;
#use APR::SockAddr;

our $VERSION = "1.0";

sub check_credentials
   my $r    = shift;  # Apache request object
   my $username = shift;
   my $password = shift;
   my $host = $r->dir_config("RadiusSiteControlHost") || "localhost";
   my $secret = $r->dir_config("RadiusSiteControlSecret") || "unknown";
   my $radius;

   # Get my IP address to pass as the
   # Source IP and NAS IP Address

lib/Apache/SiteControl/UserFactory.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

sub init_engine
   my $cipher = shift;
   my $key = shift;

   if(!defined($engine)) {
      $engine = Crypt::CBC->new({ key => $key, cipher => $cipher });

# Params: Apache request, username, password, other credentials...
sub makeUser
   my $this = shift;
   my $r = shift;
   my $username = shift;
   my $password = shift;
   my @other_cred = @_;
   my $sessiondir = $r->dir_config("SiteControlSessions") || "/tmp";
   my $lockdir = $r->dir_config("SiteControlLocks") || "/tmp";
   my $debug = $r->dir_config("SiteControlDebug") || 0;

sample/SimpleAuth.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

package SimpleAuth;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

sub check_credentials
   my $r    = shift;  # Apache request object
   my $username = shift;
   my $password = shift;

   return 1 if($username eq 'admin' && $password eq 'test');
   return 1 if($username eq 'user' && $password eq 'test');

   return 0;

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