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lib/Apache/Emulator/Apache.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

    my $self = shift;

    # Create the headers table if necessary. Decided how to build it based on
    # information here:
    # http://cgi-spec.golux.com/draft-coar-cgi-v11-03-clean.html#6.1
    # Try to get as much info as possible from CGI.pm, which has
    # workarounds for things like the IIS PATH_INFO bug.
    $self->{headers_in} ||= Apache::Table->new
      ( 'Authorization'       => $self->{query}->auth_type, # No credentials though.
        'Content-Length'      => $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH},
        'Content-Type'        =>
        ( $self->{query}->can('content_type') ?
          $self->{query}->content_type :
        # Convert HTTP environment variables back into their header names.
        map {
            my $k = ucfirst lc;
            $k =~ s/_(.)/-\u$1/g;

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